The Meeting Part 2

Start from the beginning

Frank's Pov

After I left the meeting keep getting calls from my parents, brothers,cousins and uncles telling me to come back to the meeting cause it wasn't over yet I just didn't care at all I can't be there Boss dropped us of at our dorm room yes me and Drake share dorm no oes knows about this. With everyone who doesn't know my secret and the ones who does are putting pressure on me like its easy to do Drake has be very supportive through all of this that sometimes I wonder how I got lucky to have him in my life despite the fact  that my daddy Tay hates him for some reason  I never really asked my daddy that question tho and to be honest I don't want to know I think he hates more now than he did before all of this happend getting caught was never the plan or anything like but it happend there is nothing. I can do about that but for Drake who has massive respect for my parents this hurts him alot more than you think. I just feel bad for him tho too because he wanted to prove to my daddy Tay that he can respect me in every way I'm also feel like I'm blame for all of this I wanted to this after Drake said no many times but I never listened to him maybe I should have I love Drake dearly I do and I never wanted him to be balmed for something I did I have told my parents many times how it was me who wanted to have sex not him I thought when I said that they would love Drake or at least toleratehim for my sike but nope that didn't happen instead my daddy Tay would give him the cold shoulder I like that my dad New who is more supports of us  and the decision I made for us dad New was the first I told about me getting an abortion and no one needs to know until I'm ready but than we were going on trip just children with out boyfriends that couldn't control myself I told all of them that were Seating in the car with me they were all  shocked to say the least for good reason too Nanon had no words the car ride was silent until we arrived Top and Mike were shocked too when  told them just like. Gulf and Mew that's when Mew told us they were expecting a child soon I was very happy for them but the only problem was that they had get married before the child arrives that the rule OFFGUN gave Mew when Gulf moved in with him. Gulf has told us over, over and over again that he wouldn't get married ever so Mew honored that request by not getting married Mew made sure that neither us said to our parents let alone OFFGUN more Papii than anything we made a deal with Mew and Gulf not say anything about my abortion and them not being married even Top was in on it too which is crazy to me for many reasons I'm sorry if I'm ranting over here I just lots of things on my mind that I just need to let out.If you were wondering if I'm home the answer no I'm at  Drake's dorm  making sure I'm fine since I didn't feel good that's why I also left. " Babe can call you're parents they have been blowing up my phone for 6 hours already" Drake asked  I shook my head"no don't call them back just text or call Nanon or Pluem which ever will answer first you use my phone to call Nanon and yours to call Pluem or whatever" I said to Drake nodded an did as I requested him to do Nanon was the one who anwered the phone first this how that conversation went. 


                               Drake: Nanon its me Drake.

Nanon: how is he doing??

                                                Drake: he's not feeling good right now I just checked his temperature just now he has a fever of 106.95 I told him to go the hospital but he said no he doesn't want to go I'm going to stay with him just let your parents know that not to worry I'm going to care of him.

Nanon: I will them and one more thing Boss's parents wants yo know if yoiu know where Boss and Neoul went??

                                          Drake: No Boss didn't tell me where he was going sorry I wish I can help oh Boss told me that if his parents called him to say that he doesn't have battery left on his phone and that he will call them soon that what he said when dropped us of.

Nanon: I already told my parents about Frank being sick my daddy Tay wanted to ask you if he has eaten anything today??

                               Drake: he ate breakfast this morning but not all of it he hasn't had lunch yet either so I'm just going to order us something 

Nanon: alright sounds good. We still have another hour to go into this meeting so don't worry can you take him to you're dorm instead of going to my house?

                             Drake: Nanon we are at my dorm more like our dorm room lol do you honestly think he would want to go home?? you how he feel about being there.

Nanon: good stay there with him until I pick him up you what my dad New said let him stay there with youuntil he feels better he will have talk with my daddy Tay about that tonight yes I know how he is he just like Tay mixed with New so yeah I get it.

                            Drake: ok good cause he is sleeping right now. I don't hink he ready to spill his secret yet but I know its killing inside I just don't knnow how help him at this point. 

Nanon: Drake just keep doing what you have being doing and that is to stay by his side, support him, undrestand where he coming from he knows its not easy telling a secret espcially when it comes to daddy Tay you know how he is to. 

                                      Drake:true this must be very hard for him oh I forgot tell you something Fiat called Frank since Frank and I went with Boss and his boyfriend Fiat wanted me to tell you to let his parents know that willn't be at home instead he going to meet Napat aka Aun's parents this week so might not be home at all this whole week and that will make sure to call them ever hour or text them when ver he can I'm I just remembered.

Nanon: I will tell them thank you for taking of my brother you're a good boyfriend I wish my daddy Tay can see that maybe this can owe you points. 

                                  Drake: aweee thank you Nanon I really appreciate you know that I'm trying really hard yo make you're daddy Tay like me just like you said this might give me points but don't worry I will be good to him no matter what. 

Nanon: good but I gotta go this meeting is taking forever. bye see you soon and tell Frank to feel better please I also told uncle Singto and Krist what Fiat told you.

                                      Drake:  thank you  so much I will tell him that bye see you soon. 

Drake's Pov

After getting of the phone with Nanon I came to realize how much pressure Frank is having with this secret thing I do love him just like he loves me but I sometimes question if blames me for what happend that one time we got caught having sex by his daddy Tay. I can't imagine what would  I have done if that was me going through this thing by parents are understanding but they don't know about the abortion Frank had. I lied to my parent about Frank and I putting the child up for adoption in close location that doesn't need a parents approvel  but the truth is Frank aborted the child in the same clinic that we saw Uncle Singto at. So Frank didn't wanna say at first but he couldn't himself  or maybe was the medicatio the doctor gave him I'm not really sure tho. Nanon does have have a point though why is it so hard for uncle Tay to like me when his other children has boyfriends  I do want ask him but at the same time I don't want ask cause I'm afriad of the answer uncle New I love him so much he also knows about this secret I think this is also hard for him keep it from uncle Tay. Uncle New has never kept a secret from Tay not even when they weren' t together  that what Frank has told me so many times that its burned into my brain. Uncle Tay loves Nanon and Ohm the most I feel it even Frank thinks so which I don't know if its true or not I don't care I will prove to him that I care deeply about his son will prove to him that nothing else matters to me but Frank no else will ever come between my and him ever I will protect him at all costs from people who harms just like I know he would the same for me. 

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