ZeesSaint And Nat

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Zee: hello son where are you at?? the school called me saying that you weren't in class today

Nat: oh ummm shit I'm srry Max took me home cause I was throwing up at school.

Saint: you could've called one of us Nat.

Nat: I was going to but Max told me that he would call you and tell you. Cause when I went inside his car I fall asleep.

Zee: Oh I did see  that I have missed call from him.

Saint: Nat are you home now?? 

Nat: yes I'm home with Max he said that he won't leave until  you get home or when I fall asleep  wich ever comes first.

Saint: oh ok I see tell him that he can stay the night.

 Zee: really babe??

Saint: yes Max is good boy he wouldn't do anything to Nat.

Nat: wil I'm about take a nap Max just gave me some medicine to make feel better.

Saint: goood see love he is a good boy and he taking care Nat for us so don't be mean.

Zee: I see that. bye Nat see you at home.

Nat:bye dad see you soon love you.

Saint: love you both too.

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