Bible And Banky

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Bible: is your brother at school cause the school called me telling that one of my sons wasn't at school do you both know in the hell your brother is??

Banky No I'm at home why??

Bible:  why aren't you at school??

Banky:oh I did but my classes got cancelled same I haven't seen him at all and I lso haven't Nat  anywhere since I heard you know them  I don't know if he skipped with the others I'm at school right now I have like 3 three classes why are you asking??

Bible: if he calls you can you tell to call me and he made a promise to me.

Banky: I just herd that Boss wasn't at school at all today I also heard that he got into some ones car or van.

Bible: oh ok I've tried calling him but he didn't answer did you exchange numbers woth the other children yet??

Banky: only Pond, Billkin,PP, and Phuwin but that's it they were the ones who told me that they haven't seen them today.

Bible: can you ask them if they tried calling any of them??

Banky: hold on I will see but I can't promise anything.

Bible: its fine just as long as I know where Boss is your father and I will be fine.

Banky: Pond just said that no one has seen the others not even Win who is usually in the cafateria with them.

Bible: Oh will I just got a text from Zee saying that Nat isn't at school did Pond or Billkin say anything about that??

Banky: no neither of them mentioned him at all.

Bible: can you let them know that parents wanting to have a meeting with everyone just tell them is it mandatory if they let the others know that would be great and also tell Billkin or who ever to make sure Frank shows up please this is really importent that's P' Tay just told me.

Banky: I will pass them this information. but I'm about to get into the shower Mos is picking me up here soon. bye 

Bible: alright be careful son bye.

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