Pond and New

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Pond: hi papa

New:hi son

Pond: So I have something to tell you

New: which is???

Pond: before I tell you don't tell daddy please.

New: I promise I won't tell anything.

Pond: I'm dating someone.

New: that is great honey but why didn't you want me to daddy Tay???

Pond: because you know how he is with Frank and Nanon dating Ohm and Drake. I just don't want that to be me tho..

New: oh honey I get it I do Iknw how he can be little protective when it comes to you guys dating. But I will make sure he doesn't find out..

Pond: thank you papa do you want me to send you a picture of him???

New: yes of you want to just know that we will need to meet him tho. Bc I don't think your daddy will like you going out with someone he doesn't know.


That's him papa he name is Phuwin

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That's him papa he name is Phuwin.

New: he is cute how old is he??

Pond: he is 18 years old.

New: ohh ok just when your ready for us to meet him let us know. By the way have you seen your brothers???

Pond: which ones??

New: Nanon and Frank.

Pond: I mean I can't  tell where Frank is since he is still grounded right??

New: yes, Frank is still grounded he wasn't supposed leave the house at all and your daddy is getting really angry.. Nanon I know where he is at but I don't care about  Nanon right now since he isn't grounded.

Pond: so your at home??

New:yes son we are home.

Pond: ohh k than just know that I'm not going home tonight I will be staying at Phuwon's house.

New:I know I will let your dad know bout Frank do you know where he is???

Pond: I think is his still at school in the library that is the last time I saw him. But I don't know where he where he went after that.

New: your not lying are you??

Pond: No papa I'm not lying to you. Even I was lying you would tell daddy about me dating someone.❤️

New: Oh ok I get it tho. If you talk to him or see him tell him to get get home immediately.

Pond: I will let him whenever I see him. But papa I gotta go back to studying.. bye

New: bye son study hard.

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