34- Buying/Stealing necessities

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Just a heads up:
Second half of the chapter speaks about periods, pads, menstruation cups, etc. Do not read if you feel uncomfortable reading about it.


As the sun rays spread throughout the sky, the group divided themselves into two parts. Sameera with Avan as mother and son; Gyaan with twins as friends. They walked on the same road, but with a considerable distance so that no one could figure them out.

The people were searching for the group of five people together. No one was walking on the road trying to find them, but a group of five differently aged people might ring a bell in people's minds. Separation was the best tactic if they wanted to go unnoticed as other strangers on the road.

Sameera frowned when she was Gyaan entering a garden. Although it was early, the garden was filled with elderly people and the college going students who had most probably bunked their classes.

"Why would he choose the garden instead of some empty place?" Sameera questioned no one in particular, but Avan answered her, "Probably because there wasn't a single place that was empty. And we needed a place to talk about how to move further."

"Yeah, it seems to be the case," Sameera agreed with a sigh. They hadn't really conversed once the sun was up. They had to talk and figure out their action plan. She also wanted to confirm whether Gyaan even knew the route to the forest. And hence, even though she didn't think it was the best place to converse, Sameera followed Gyaan's lead and entered the garden with Avan.

Looking around, Sameera found them sitting on a double-bench, whose one side was facing the running track while the other faced the grass side.

Gyaan and the twins had sat facing the running track. They giggled and laughed, acting like all other students present in the garden. Sameera went and sat on the same bench, but on the side that faced the grass, and made it seem like she was watching over Avan, who had started to play on the nearby slides.

"Are we even on the right path?" Sameera asked Gyaan, while her eyes were still on Avan.

"We are, but it is going to take a long walk. We just need to make a quick stop, and then we will take the highway."

"How are you so sure about the roads? What if we are going in a completely different direction?" Ahana asked.

"Well not everyone is blind, you see," Gyaan taunted, before pointing towards the signboard placed near the gate of the garden. They couldn't see it clearly from inside, but Gyaan had read it before entering. "There are signboards at multiple places. This one shows the way to go to at least three other landmarks. I am working through all these landmarks in my mind to find the right route."

"How do you even know the right route to the forest?" Neer asked, but in a curious tone unlike Ahana's accusatory tone.

"I remember what I have read once. And fortunately, I had read the map of our entire state once when I was getting bored. So don't worry, I am confident that I can take you all safely to the destination," Gyaan replied.

"How modest!" Ahana commented.

"Thanks," Gyaan said, smiling at her to annoy her, knowing fully well that she had been taunting him.

"If you two are done with your fake compliments and smiles, can we discuss the quick stop Gyaan you were talking about?" Neer asked, shaking his head at the two children in front of him, who had less maturity than Avan who was the actual child of the group.

"To the mall," Gyaan answered.

"The mall?" They asked in unison but in a whisper to not attract attention.

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