31- An easy choice

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Elements had to put their emotions on the back of their minds. They didn't have time to feel sad when the question of their survival was hanging on the lines.

"Shall I call Ravi?" Sameera asked hesitantly.

"Sameera...," Gyaan trailed off. He too was hesitant to say no and break her heart. However an affirmative answer could be dangerous to their lives.

"I am not speaking emotionally," Sameera said, immediately understanding his hesitance. "Just hear me out once," she requested.

"Go ahead, I am sure it would be of worth if you are insisting," Neer said, as he blinked to let her know he was there by her side.

"Ravi was making plans to get us out safely from that hospital on that day. And he hasn't even been on T.V speaking against us. Maybe he still hasn't ditched us like others—" Sameera stopped abruptly as she remembered Avan was listening. Clearing her throat, she changed her sentence, "Maybe the bad guys haven't got to him yet. Maybe he can help us and no one will come to know."

"Oh yes! Ravi Uncle always stays at home. He might be safe," Avan exclaimed happily.

"Not only he can help us financially, but he can also let us know about the places we need to stay away from here. If not the whole information, he might have at least some inkling of what the media people are planning," Sameera finished, looking at others hopefully.

"You need to hurry then," Gyaan said, confusing her with his weird response.


"It's night time. The shop with the phone booth might get close soon. Hurry and call him."

Gyaan's words brought a huge smile on Sameera's face. She stood up hastily, covered her face with her ghunghat and almost ran towards the place

"Gosh! At least take the money for the call," Ahana yelled, from where she was sitting, causing Sameera to run back. She snatched the money from Ahana's hands and left yelling, "thanks," over her shoulders as she ran.

Sameera's chest was heaving as she ran towards the shop. She patted her chest to calm down a little, but neither her heart stopped thudding wildly nor did the butterflies in her stomach.

It felt ages since she last spoke with him. Taking a huge breath, she dialled his number. Crossing her fingers, she prayed that he picked the call as it was the last chance she would get to talk to him, before they all went into hiding.


"Ravi," she whispered breathlessly, as tears formed in her eyes upon hearing his voice after a long time.

"Sameera? Sameera, is that you?" Ravi asked with urgency.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! I had lost hope of finding you. I searched the entire hospital but couldn't find you," Ravi rambled, his heart finally at peace now that he had spoken with Sameera.

"Where were you Sameera? It has been so many days. You are okay, right? Sameera why aren't you speaking? Are you hurt?" He asked, as his heart thudded again in fear.

"I am alright, I am alright," Sameera said immediately, so that he wouldn't worry, "well at least physically," she whispered at the end.

"Ravi, the news...," Sameera started hesitantly, wanting to know why the researchers would back-stab them.

Ravi cursed as soon as he heard the words, "It's all a mess. Everyone is fighting for their lives here all because of Neer. We are all on the brink of losing our jobs. Forget that, we all would have been arrested if Maanvi didn't give us a script to follow and lie about not knowing you all."

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