"No one breaks my word in this house." Gio got up and left immediately after Elio.

"If there's anyone more childish than you, it's Gio." I told Kieran who rolled his eyes and we all got up to follow Gio.

"Why didn't he just apologise? It's not like him, and Kieran knows he won't mean it if he apologised." Adriano wondered and I shrugged.

"He's been on edge all morning. You know when he puts on the 'I'm okay' face? Yeah he's being doing that ever since Morana left this morning." Kieran told me. I know exactly what he's talking about, Elio can hide his feelings too well when he wants to but as his brothers we know him way better than that to not notice that 'I'm okay' face.

"Where's Morana?" I asked but then I heard something shatter from upstairs.

"No need to worry, that's probably Morana sending her knife into a vase, or a window, or a mirror, or a glass, or a plate—"

"Got it, Adriano." I cut him off before he continues his list on all the things Morana stabbed with her knife since she got here— it will take hours, that girl is something else.

"What's up with you?" Adriano asked me. You know, I'm thinking about moving out. In this house, they don't understand when you're in no mood of sharing.

"WHEN I FUCKING TELL YOU—" We hear Gio's loud voice from the kitchen then a sound of something hitting the wall hard so we know that he got Elio. We all ran to them to stop this fight.

Aren't oldest siblings supposed to be the calmest out of all the siblings? Because Gio is definitely not.

I step into the kitchen to find Gio choking Elio against the wall. "What? Do you respect your capo more than your fucking brother now?!?" Gio yelled in Elio's face.

"Gio, let him go." I whispered putting my hand on his forearm. "He's just a kid, he made a mistake."

Gio did let him go and Elio fell on the ground breathing heavily and coughing. I held out my hand for him and he took it as Kieran gave him a glass of water.

"I walked through flames for you, Elio. I took care of you and I protected you. And I know that's my job and I don't need a thank you, I don't deserve it." Gio said breathing heavily as well but from anger. "But the least you can do is respect me— And not as your fucking Capo! But as your brother! Because as your capo, you would be dead right now, but I won't ever do that because I'm your brother!"

"I respect you. You don't respect me." Elio said. I glared at him, the fact that his words didn't contain the word sorry or apologise is fucking stupid.

I stepped in front him and pushed him back ready to fucking beat some sense into him before Kieran stopped me and grabbed Elio's arm.

"Apologise to Gio, now." Kieran glared at our youngest brother.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean disrespect." Elio said looking down at the ground. Kieran let go of him.

Gio stepped forward towards Elio and grabbed the back of his neck. "All I asked was for you to apologise to your brother because Kieran was clearly upset and you provoked him. I respect you Elio, you're my little brother."

"I'm not in a good mood today, forgive me." Elio told him.

"This time, I'm gonna forgive you, next time Elio, I won't be this nice." Gio glared at him before shoving him back harshly. Okay, I expected worse but Gio actually controlled himself. He's been surprisingly controlled ever since Morana came to our home.

"Understood." Elio responded. Did he provoke Gio on purpose to get some beating? Because Elio knows better than this.

"Morana was sexually abused." Kieran said out of nowhere.

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