The Will Of ALLAH

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Muhammed sat silently as he observed his wife preparing supper. Love for her overflowed in his heart. Where would he be without her today....


Aadila was happy to get away from the hustle and bustle of the wedding house. Being the bride was just as exhausting as working hard to make the wedding a success. Tomorrow she and Muhammed would be leaving for their own home in London. Aadila grew up here in South Africa. Muhammed was South African by birth, from Johannesburg to be exactHowever after gaining his medical degree, he had accepted a job offer from a private hospital in the queen's country. Their marriage was rather traditional. Muhammed had come home to see her and they spoke in the company of her father. A week later his mother had phoned to put forward a proposal and the rest, as they say, is history.

Aadila was initially a bit apprehensive about flying off with a total stranger, but she kept her faith in Allah, He was the one who had guided her towards this marriage. Muhammed was experiencimg many mixed emotions on his wedding day. Aadila was so sweet and innocent. Those qualities were what had attracted him to her the very first time he saw her.He hoped that their life together would be happy, filled with joy and love. If only he didn't have to keep this terrible secret to himself.

During the plane ride, Muhammed and Aadila spent the hours getting to know each other. It seemed like they were indeed made for each other. They had many common interests, likes and dislikes. The two of them disembarked from the air-plane holding hands and smiling like the newly weds they were. The 2 weeks following the wedding were most enjoyable. Muhammed had taken leave from work and spent time with his wife. Aadila enjoyed it all, the walks in the park, the museums, art galleries, a trip to the country side and even a picnic on the beach which was a far cry from the beaches back home in South Africa.

The only concern was when Muhammed would disappear for short intervals at a time, with no explanation at all. When he returned, he would be in very high spirits which soon dispelled any fears or misgivings that Aadila may have had. Mohammed returned to work and Aadila spent her time in her new home. They lived in a quaint, 2 bedroom duplex with a small patch of garden in the back yard. Muhammed ate lunch at work and Aadila enjoyed whipping up delicious meals for supper. They then relaxed in front of a cozy fire,  snuggled up next to each other listening to Muhammed ramble about his day at work. The weeks turned into months and Aadila was fairly content with her life.

Muhammed walked into his office and locked the door behind him. He had half an hour before his secretary, Michelle, arrived for work. He unlocked the last drawer in his desk, moved his thick diary aside and withdrew a small zip lock bag with his precious white powder. He emptied the contents of the bag on his desk, divided it in to 2 lines with his pocket knife and rolling a £100 note snorted it through his right and left nostrils.

He leaned back in his office chair revelling in the sensation as the drug took over. Ten minutes later, he cleared up his desk, removed all traces of his addiction and he was once again the friendly, handsome doctor everyone believed him to be. This scenario repeated itself several times throughout the day, which had to sustain him till his sweet wife went to sleep at night. Only when he was hundred percent certain that Aadila was dead to the world, Muhammed would creep into the spare room and indulge his addiction. Aadila never suspected a thing.

Muhammed had been on edge in recent times. Aadila couldn't fathom what exactly had made him so jumpy, maybe not jumpy, but more... Skittish. At many evening meals she'd noticed his hands trembling as he held his water glass. Hie eyes seemed distracted and he always seemed to have a sniffle. When she asked him about it, concerned that he was ill, Muhammed brushed it off as work stress. Aadila accepted this answer without any doubt. After all, he had been leaving for work in the wee hours of the morning and returning almost close to midnight. A doctor had to be available for his patients 24/7.

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