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Asma's mind was in overdrive. Pictures of the different suicide images kept flashing in her minds eye. The problem now was which one to try out? She had been toying with the idea of suicide for quite a while now. What was there to live for anyway? Her life sucked! She had no friends! School was a task! And she was sure no one would notice her absence from their lives.

"October 13th! That's the day I DIE!!"
Asma decided that Friday will be 'D-Day'. She had still not decided which way to kill herself, but she had all the necessary items ready. A sharp razor with which she could decide to slit her wrist. A huge bottle of very poisonous rodent repellent. A bottle of sleeping pills as well as her father's black turban should she decide to hang herself. She would rather die than jump off a building! Her laugh was morbid, bordering on hysterical. "That's outrageous!...rather die than jump of a building!... That is exactly what I'm going to do... Die!!"

In the end Asma swallowed the sleeping pills with the poison.
In no time at all the fatal combination took effect and Asma was no more...or so she hoped.

Asma opened her eyes, where was she? She had hoped for oblivion.... A nothingness... So why then was she experiencing sensations? But wait! She was somehow different! She seemed to be floating, and then she looked down. Asma saw her body lying down on her bed. The poison bottle bottle had rolled out from her hand and she was frothing through the mouth. Then Asif walked into the room.
"oh! Why did it have to be him?" Asma lamented.
Her little brother was the one bright spark in her bleak  life. She did not want him to remember her like this, lying on the floor, spit drooling out of her mouth, looking like a picture of  death.



Asma's eyelids felt heavy,her eyes gritty and her mouth felt as if it was stuffed with cotton wool. With great difficulty she opened her eyes. "where was she?"

She looked around. She was alone, the 3 other beds being an exception,in a white room. Then she took in the different medical paraphernalia and she realized she was in a hospital.
Then she spotted Asif's worried face. As soon as he realized she was awake he broke out into a big smile.

"Asma! Asma! You awake!" he hugged her tightly. Then he released her and ran out the door with the promise of locating their mother. Asma was not ready to meet her parents, so she pretended to fall back into a deep sleep. She heard Asif's excited chatter as he told their parents that she had hugged him. The doctor explained to them that she was fine. Perhaps the effects of the poison were still in her system and that is why she had fallen of to sleep promptly again.

A little later all was quiet and Asma chanced opening  her eyes again. She breathed a sigh of relief. She was alone. It was late afternoon and she could hear the traffic outside. Asma sat thinking about her actions. Her plan had failed. She was such a failure that she could not even kill herself properly. Now she would have to deal with all the things that come with a suicide attempt. People's stares, psychologists, and her parents always trying to read her mind and actions. GAHHHH!!! Why could she have not just died! It would have been so much better.

It had indeed been as Asma had thought, only a million times worse.
So this time Asma decided on a different course of action. She was going to run away.


She wrote 2 letters, one to her parents and one to Asif. She gathered whatever money she could, as well as all her valuable jewelry which she planed to pawn.
Where she would live? How would she survive? Or even where she would sleep? Asma didn't think about any of it. Her plans stopped at making it away from her miserable life.

Islamic storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora