Christmas Gifts (part 1)

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First off, my extreme apologies for being so inactive! I must have been off for more a month, I'm so sorry if I worried anyone and that I didn't reply/update for so long. I won't bore you with any details here, but I'll have an announcement explaining my absence. Again, I'm sorry and I hope I can make up for it with a good few updates. :]


Secondly, it's almost Christmas! I've been busy over my holidays so far making (hopefully) interesting designs for gifts, for some lovely friends or amazing people that deserve it on here. Hopefully, these little custom gifts will be nice for you all.

I might do a second part to this if I have more gifts to do for other people. If you think you deserve one/you're listed as a close friend, feel free to ask if I forgot! But for now, thank you so much for all the support and enjoy!

(MistleSong, asterxiia and Gorseclaw99, you are all marvellous friends and you will be getting gifts, I am simply still trying to balance everything without snapping an emotional nerve ^^" You are not any less important, I was randomly picking each person whose gift to do next. You three are definite gift-recievers-to-be, I just wanted to let you know. They'll all probably be in a part 2 in a two or three days, sorry <3)

If any of you do use the designs given, then please credit me once or twice, thanks ^^"

For SmokyBerries

This design is based off one of my favourite cats on my grandma's farm - Ashes (Popiołka in Polish)! You can use the design in Feral or anywhere you want! Thanks for helping so much with my book and competing in so many Lore Wars with me! :) You h...

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This design is based off one of my favourite cats on my grandma's farm - Ashes (Popiołka in Polish)! You can use the design in Feral or anywhere you want! Thanks for helping so much with my book and competing in so many Lore Wars with me! :) You have truly been one of the best people I've ever had the pleasure and privilege to meet in my entire life.
As your fellow believer, may your Christmas be blessed and I hope your family is all well.

For stxrmyy-

Thanks for being such a great friend Storm, helping me with my book and just being amazing in general! <3 You are such a wonderful person, please don't forget, I missed you as well over my absence

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Thanks for being such a great friend Storm, helping me with my book and just being amazing in general! <3 You are such a wonderful person, please don't forget, I missed you as well over my absence. Your art and writing skills have improved so much over the course of me knowing you, well done 👏♥️

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