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The squirrel like creature studied you for a moment before getting a huge smile on his face nodding vigorously.

"Why me and my brother Ludo would be delighted to accompany thy lady and sir Hoggle on such a quest."

The giant beast stared at you softly noticing some similarities between you and sarah. Especially in the way that your eyes sparkled with excitement in this new and confusing world. If he didn't know any better he would say you and sarah were for sure related in some way. You waved at the creature after noticing that he was staring at you.

Your attention turned back to the little man and bounced with excitement.
"Oh you will thank you! Now we can get to the castle way faster."

Hoggle once again turned to you and crossed his arms.
"Simply remember we can't lead you too it only help you not go in the wrong direction. Jareth was so angry at us last time"

You nodded vigorously as sir didymus came back out with a dog following him closely behind. You spent about 10 minutes getting to know them before quickly heading towards the castle. Sir didiymus was persistent on riding ahead making sure to as he said clear the area. Ludo was always right next to you though. For somebody so big and tall you couldn't believe he was even remotely afraid of this place. Though nothing was normal here the whole world was upside down. Everything and every rule you knew didn't really apply here. Like those faires always have said to be magical wish casting creatures but they just turned out to be yet another biting pest.

Once deep into the woods thier behaviours changed. Hoggle eyes kept darting around while sir didymus charged at any rustling that came from a bush or tree. Ludo took your hand and walked faster then normal. Everyone but you knew something. How were you supposed to beat this place without knowing something that could potentially be crucial to you. You turned to Hoggle and snatched your hand from ludo.

"What is going on here! You're supposed to tell me."

Hoggle looked real concerned like your voice would wake up some kind of horrible monster.

"Now now (Y/N). You must be quiet or else we are going to attract unwanted attention. Ludo is just making sure we don't get separated you never know what Jareth might pull especially since were so close to the Fireys"

You gave Hoggle a confused look which then made him give a more deep explanation.

"Some creatures who have the ability to pull off thier heads and they also don't seem to understand that not everybody is like them. I wondered here once when I was younger and I barely got out only because Jareth helped me."

"He helped you? Are we talking about the same man who would stole my brother and is putting me through hell to get him back. I doubt that."

Hoggle was about to go on before he noticed that both of his friends were missing. He understood sir didymus could have wandered off but not ludo. No he would have noticed it Ludo isn't exactly the size of a dog. This was definitely the work of Jareth. He quickly tried taking you hand but ended up falling through a hole in the floor.


You quickly tried to jump in after him but like some type of trap door it shut and you were left alone. Or at least that is what you thought. Jareth sat in his castle laughing at his own plan. If his obstacles didn't stress you out being alone in a unfamiliar land with nobody but scary creatures would for sure do just that. He was cruel at heart and he wanted to watch them tear you limb from limb as you realize he wasn't ever going to let you win in the first place.

You're attempts to break open then floor or try to get it to open again were useless. You wanted to wait and see if it was maybe a pattern of some sorts but the more you waited the more time you would lose. Was it selfish of you to leave them behind in hopes you can make it in time to save your brother. You finally began to move forward only due to the fact that you had convinced yourself that they were fine since they knew the labyrinth much better then you did. Though the guilt and the horrible thought that they weren't okay were practically screaming in your face as you moved along.

Though all of your thoughts were cut short. You heard laughing and chanting and decided it would be best to head towards it. After all the creatures hoggle warned you about didn't seem to be the type to be hanging out in groups. Hell maybe they could help you find your friends. Maybe they knew where the trap doors had taken your friends. As you got closer they all seemed to stare at you whispering to each other while still having a creepy smile on thier face.

"Say little lady where are you headed off to?"

You were desperate and in need of awnsers when you looked around all you could see were trees for miles. So you responded in hopes of getting any type of help

"Im actually looking for the castle. Also my friends have you seen a tra-"

The all burst out into laughter which made you furrow your brows out of annoyance. You were dead serious how could they be so mean in your time of need. Besides what on earth could be so funny about what you had just said. They wiped thier tears of laughter and bounced towards you. Though when they spoke they were no longer speaking to you but rather about you.

"Oh what fun. Another one of those runners!"
"Maybe this ones limbs are more loose then the others"
"Only one way to find out then!"

Oh no. If only you had carried on. These were the things hoggle warned you about and now they were surrounding you. Instinct took over and you had begun to run when one grabbed you leg making you trip and hit your head. Your vision was blurred but only for a couple of seconds. Though the fireys took this opportunity to latch on to your arms and other legs. One grabbed your head and another your hair
"Don't leave so soon the fun is just getting started"

(Trigger ⚠ warning. Being tortured. Aka skin pulling)

You looked panicked as your head pulsed from the pain of the fall. There was nowhere to run or go and it wasn't like you could get up anyways they were all holding onto you tightly. Thinking it couldn't get any worse they all gave each other some sort of look and then one shouted out orders

"Everyone pull!"

Your expression changed from panicked to in shock and pain. They stretched your muscles. To them you were some sort of a rag doll. They yanked once again and you swear you could feel your skin stretch. You tried to scream but only your mouth opened and a pained gasp fell out as you felt another tug. You were to in shock to move or kick or squirm. The only thing that ran through you head besides panic were the thoughts about if this is how you would die. If you wouldn't be able to save your baby brother. If you had failed.

(End of trigger ⚠ warning)
Jareth watched through his crystal ball normally he would be impatient with the fireys he hated how they would always take so long. Though this time he found his leg quickly bouncing and one of his fingers tapping his throne. He didn't want your adventure to end so soon you had 8 hours left. He tried convincing himself that you brought this upon yourself by wishing your brother away and that people who do such things should be faced with certain demise. But that truly wasn't the reason he wasn't being honest with himself. The next thing he knew he was by your side shooing the fireys off as they fled his rage.

"Shoo you pesky little things!"

By the time he had arrived you were passed out by shock. He knelt down and moved your hair out of your face. He took this time to notice your features. There was no denying it. You were beautiful and you were so full of life. If he was going to make sure you died it had to be far. He wouldn't have a hand in it. Not this time.

"Just what are you doing to me (Y/N)"

As the world falls down |Goblin king x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt