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In what kind of way did he mean that.Was he going to eat you?No if he had wanted to eat you he would have done so already. You pushed him off of you and gave him a scowl. Who did he think he was. All he did was smirk and pull out a crystal ball admiring it.
"Now then tell me how are you enjoying my labyrinth?"

Jareth knew how this would go down. Every single time he has asked this question it had always been the same response with little to no variety. The runner would try to intimidate him by saying that it was easy when they were clearly struggling. He glanced over at you to see you looking down kicking dirt.

"Why ask if you know the awnser. This isn't easy its unfair. You kidnapped my brother,my feet hurt,I was almost a meal for bug eyes over there and now I have to deal with you!"

Jareth's eyes widened slightly nobody had ever spoken up to him that way. Sure he was mad but it changed up the game a bit. It was no longer the same routine.He looked as if he thought about something for a second before returning to his cocky stance.
"Somebody should teach you manners. Goblins kneel in front of me. You might as well do it too since you look so similar."

Normally other's words would have no affect on you. Why the hell should you even care about what somebody else says about you. Your lips moved on thier own insulting him.Two could play the overdressed ego freak.

"Oh please. Its not like you're prince charming either. The only thing decent about this whole labyrinth is your outfit which I must admit looks as if you spent your whole morning thinking about what you were gonna wear. Also did you just happen to spend all morning rehearsing that line just to get a reaction out of me?"

You must have pissed him off because his once cocky,upbeat persona was now replaced with a dark, assertive one. He walked foward and leaned in towards you inches away from your face
"Don't defy me. I can be as cruel as I am kind (Y/N)."

Had he always been this handsome. Thoughts like these shouldn't have crossed your mind. Your felt your chest rise and fall with every breath you took.
"You started it. You don't scare me and neither does your labyrinth. When I said it was hard I forgot to say hard for a 2 year old. Hopscotch is harder then this"

He huffed before standing up straight coming up with a plan. You could tell he wasn't about to let your attitude slide once he began to smirk practically taunting you as if your words meant absolutely nothing
"Comparing my Labyrinth to a child's game? Well since its so easy how about we up the stakes?"

The grandfather clock from earlier had appeared next to him and he pointed to it making a movement with his finger. This caused the clock to to spend up. What had you done you had 12 hours and now you have 10. Mentally you scolded yourself for such a stupid act but part of you felt as if you put him in his place.

He then took a crystal ball out of thin air and held it up for you to see clearly.
"Oh and one last thing (Y/N). I don't think my friend from earlier was quite done with you just yet"

With that he rolled the ball the way you would to a bowling ball down the hall into the dark. The hissing was back. Your heart raced once more as you snapped your neck to look at him in protest but he was no longer there. Once more you took off but this time instead of all the turns it was one long hallway. No where to trick the spider. You ran foe what seemed about 5 minutes before in the distance there was a door.

All you could do was pick up the pace and pray that it was open. Once you got to the door you tried opening it but it was locked. You looked around to search for the key but there really was no time the spider was closing in on you. You were about to lose your life and your brother. That didn't mean you were not gonna fight to the end. You began slamming your body against the door watching as the spider gets bigger as it comes closer.

Finally it worked and you went tumbling out hitting the ground hard though what mattered to you more was closing the door. Quickly you slammed it shut before hearing a voice pop up.
"Well If I hadn't opened that door for you. You would have been good as dead. How about you repay me with another one of those rings you got there."

Looking down you see Hoggle. If hoggle was honest he hated seeing what Jareth put the runners through. Everybody deserves a fair shot at winning. Though he hid it by pretending he was more interested by jewelry then friendship. Ever since sarah he has been more kind and open and he has been grateful to her for that. Though it had been years since sarah stopped calling and needing him. After all nobody lives forever. He never got the chance to say goodbye properly. If he had know this would happen he wouldn't have done it any differently.

He then sticks his hand out to collect the payment. Nodding you reach up to your ears and pull out your earrings. You sure loved them but your life was much kore important and you couldn't be more thankful to hoggle.
"Oh Hoggle! Thank you. I honestly didn't think I would see you again."

"Well I felt bad for ya and.... I only did it for the reward I'm not allowed to help you that would be cheating."

"Well then could you at least accompany me on my journey. Who knows I might need somebody brave and kind like you."

"Oh I don't know. Jareth didn't like it too much when I did such a thing with sarah."

You squatted down placing a kiss on his cheek still grateful for his help. Then for reassurance that he would come along you gave your best please.

"Oh alright but if we run into trouble don't look at me im just following you nothing more and nothing less"

You smiled and stood up pressing on. Not a single minute could go to waste you were barley just getting started.

As the world falls down |Goblin king x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now