chapter 13.

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hongjoong knew that since it was thursday, he only had 3 more days to spend time with seonghwa without having to stress over assignments. he quickly viewed the time on his watch, seeing as it read to be 3:45 pm.

the younger had made plans for him and seonghwa that day. when he first met seonghwa, he remembered how much the latter loved flowers and plants— so he had bought tickets for a botanical garden located nearly an hour away from their dorm. hongjoong didn't mind the drive though; his only worry was if seonghwa would enjoy their day. the raven-haired decided to keep the plans a surprise; which, of course, left seonghwa itching to know where they were going. he's so cute when he whines, hongjoong thought as seonghwa asked "where are we going?" for the 15th time in the last 2 hours. he thought the older's pleading eyes were beautiful— it looked as if a galaxy of millions of stars and planets were located inside his glassy orbs. hongjoong never wanted to look away from them, if he was honest— however, he had to keep his eyes on the road. he didn't want seonghwa to get hurt just because hongjoong couldn't keep his eyes off of him.

hongjoong's pov

"it's a surprise, hwa," i chuckled in response to his whining. the way he begs is so cute— god i love him so much. "only 10 more minutes until we're there, okay? i think you'll love it... or at least i hope you will!"

"hehe, fineeee," seonghwa dragged his words with a wide, playful smile on his face. "and don't worry joong! you know i love and appreciate anything you do for me." oh my god, this man is going to make me melt.


as i turned the key to shut the car's engine off, i was about to tell seonghwa that we had arrived; only to realize that the pretty man seated to the right of me was fast asleep. i sighed in awe— seonghwa is single-handedly the most beautiful sleeper i've ever seen... he's so peaceful... i took advantage of this moment and decided to admire his features before waking him up.

i loved everything about him. his nose was long with the perfect curve, one that was a fitting accent to his face. his eyes, although closed at the moment, were big, and always had the cutest pleasing look to them. his lips— do i even have to explain this part?

seonghwa had the most kissable lips one could ever imagine. they were soft and plump, glowing with a soft shade of pink that complimented his skin tone. seonghwa's features were so strong, yet cute and soft at the same time. i'm not even sure if that's supposed to be possible, but it's seonghwa. this man is everything.

in a way, seonghwa reminded me of a cosmos flower. even though many people view them as simple, or maybe even basic (i beg to differ), they still reign as my favorite flower of all. perhaps this is why i love seonghwa so much. cosmos aren't typically given the most attention, but when you see them, they give you a warm, comfortable feeling; they aren't overwhelming with a particular scent, nor are they overflowing with intricate-looking petals or stems. however; the cosmos is a very strong flower. they can withstand some of the worst weather conditions and can survive in nearly any type of soil. short, simple, and sweet; but strong.

i think that's a very accurate way to describe the breathtaking male beside me. even though, in my opinion, he doesn't look basic in the slightest— he's soft-spoken, yet he has more strength than anyone i've ever gotten to know. i also viewed him as admirable; and everyone admires flowers, right?

seonghwa is my favorite flower.

"what are you thinking about? you've been staring at me for at least 7 minutes," seonghwa giggled as the widest, pearliest smile appeared on his face. i want to kiss him so bad right now...

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