chapter 6.

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it had been a few days since hongjoong and seonghwa had met up at the cafe; their classes had begun, and the both of them became busy. luckily, when hongjoong opened his eyes that morning, he lazily picked up his phone only to discover it was a saturday. this made hongjoong smile widely; it meant he could rest well today.

hongjoong was the type of person to work himself to the point he wouldn't know the date anymore— and that was something his friends constantly worried about. there had been too many instances of him falling ill, or even passing out, to count. yesterday was one of those days; hongjoong had been studying at the dorm alone at night, seonghwa had been out with his boyfriend since his classes ended earlier in the evening. hongjoong was at fault for his empty stomach that entire day; and he was starting to feel the consequences as the time read 8:13 pm. he had been typing away at a report on his computer, only to start seeing the words blur and spin. he knew this was bad, but he was determined to finish his report that night— i only have 3 pages left, is what he told himself.

hongjoong was wrong. he did not finish the report that night.

about half a page later, hongjoong got up from his chair to get water. however, he didn't make it to the kitchenette; nearly immediately, his legs gave out (as well as his consciousness) causing him to fall to the floor. he was there for a while until seonghwa stormed into the dorm— he had been upset because sungjoon and he had a fight, which was ironically about hongjoong. but seonghwa's demeanor changed quickly once he saw hongjoong passed out on the ground.

seonghwa was beyond worried. what happened while i was gone? was all he could think to himself. seonghwa moved hongjoong to his bed as quickly as he could, laying his hand softly against his forehead. he's very hot... you could say seonghwa meant that both ways— but now was not the time for that. he was hoping the shorter would wake up soon, as he wasn't the best at taking care of people. fortunately for him, hongjoong's eyes fluttered open as he fidgeted with his hands. he really didn't want seonghwa to see him like this, and now that hongjoong saw the worried man at his side, he felt guilty and embarrassed.

"how... how long have i been like this for?" he said just above a whisper. hongjoong had trouble forming his words, as he still felt weak; maybe even partially numb. "i'm not sure, i got back at 11— it's 11:30 now," seonghwa spoke whilst looking down at his watch. hongjoong knew this was bad. he remembered that right before he got up from his desk, the time read 9:10; meaning he had been unconscious for over 2 hours. he worried about his report as the older passed him a water.

"my report..." hongjoong trailed off. seonghwa found this odd. what is he on about? hongjoong was having trouble speaking, as he was also starting to fall into a delirious state. "i need to finish i—"

"HONGJOONG! what are you talking about? i walk in and find you out cold on the floor, from what i assume overworking yourself, and the first thing you think of when you wake up is completing your report? please, get a hold of yourself!" seonghwa angrily whined. it was understandable for him to be irritated with his behavior; anyone in his situation would be likely to react the same. as he realized he came off a bit too harsh, seonghwa sighed as he spoke again, "i'm sorry joong, i didn't mean to yell at you. but the last thing i wanna see is you neglecting your health. you mean a lot to me, i don't wanna be scared to leave your side," he spoke in a softer tone than before has he caressed the latter's face as he wove in and out of consciousness. hongjoong gave a slight nod before whispering 'i'm sorry'. those were the last words seonghwa heard from him that night, which meant the younger male was finally getting the sleep he desperately needed.

seonghwa's pov

as i got comfortable and sat in my bed on the other side of our shared room. i was apprehensive about hongjoong's condition, as i hadn't seen this happen to him before. but i had only known him for about a week, so that could've been why. as i was feeling restless now, i pulled out my phone and opened a group chat with mingi, yunho, yeosang, and jongho.


🫡 gays #2

hi, are any of u awake rn??
sent 11:40 pm

hi hwa! is everything alright?
sent 11:44 pm

^^ ☹️💕
sent 11:44 pm

yeah, i'm okay... but it's about my roommate. i told u guys about hongjoong. right?
sent 11:45 pm

i was out all day... and i got back to our dorm at 11, and he was passed out on the floor. i think he overworked himself 🙁
sent 11:45 pm

the same hongjoong san knows?? san used to tell me about someone close to him having a serious problem with overworking themselves... it would make sense if it was hongjoong.
sent 11:46 pm

i'm so sorry hwa! is hongjoong okay? and wait, why are you telling us this? did something happen??
sent 11:46 pm

i wouldn't say that anything happened, it just made me super worried. i worry about him a lot, and i only just met him. i don't know why i'm being like this. even sungjoon says for me to stay away from him. i don't understand why though??
sent 11:48 pm

sent 11:48 pm

hwa bestie it sounds like you're in love with this man🤐
sent 11:49 pm

okay, maybe not quite what yeo said... but you do sound like you're at least fond of him. and why would sungjoon tell you that??? everything i've heard about him from you lately has been highly questionable. is everything going okay with u guys?
sent 11:50 pm

seonghwa stared at the two messages for a good while. how did yeosang come to that conclusion? and why is yunho asking this? i decided to type a response back instead of leaving them on read.

i honestly don't know... well, i do. if i'm honest, i've been thinking about ending things with sungjoon. it's not because of hongjoong or anything though, but you're also right... i feel extremely fond of hongjoong. it's weird though— is it normal to feel this way for someone you don't know that well??
sent 11:56 pm

i told you. you're completely whipped for him seonghwa🤨
sent 11:57 pm

... i kinda agree with yeosang🤐 and i don't know the details between you and sungjoon, but i hope everything goes well for u hwa. if you ever need anything, you know were all here for you (and from what you tell us about that hongjoong guy, im sure he would be too 😏)
read 11:58 pm


i groaned as i read their responses. i decided to sleep on it; i would dwell on it more tomorrow. there was so much for me to worry about at the moment, so i decided it would be best for me to get some rest. i sat my phone down on the table in between hongjoong and i's bed and threw the soft covers over my body.

i had one last thought before i fell into abyss-like unconsciousness.

i hope hongjoong is okay...


i hope you guys enjoyed the 6th chapter of 'COSMOS' !! im sorry for all the angst lol , i promise there will be more fluff in the next chapter 🙁💕💕

— iya 🌼

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