chapter 3.

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this chapter contains brief mentions of abuse ! 💗

seonghwa's pov

"where have you been?! why are you so late?" just as i entered our apartment, i was immediately hit with the two questions. i knew he wouldn't listen to my explanation either way, but i would still try. i looked up at his face, and all i could see was anger. it was scary and upsetting at the same time— how could he not be concerned about me in the slightest??

"i'm sorry sungjoon... i planned to be home around 5 but—"

"you don't have to make excuses, seonghwa. i thought i told you i didn't want you going out with those friends of yours; they're bad influences, and they don't actually care for you. how do you not see that??" sungjoon ranted. i knew this wasn't true, he hasn't even met my friends— i even knew them longer than i've known him. so who is he to say this? my eyebrows furrowed as i opened my mouth to speak. "how are you able to even come to that conclusion?! none of that is true. you've never even met them! every single time i went out to see them, you've either said you were too busy or that you didn't want to; and every time i want to invite them over, you start screaming at me! why are you concluding things about people you don't even kn—"

"oh my god, you're so fucking annoying!" i knew i probably shouldn't have said all that, so i knew whatever i was getting was deserved. sungjoon closes the gap between us and brings his hand up to my face, only to swiftly swipe it by my cheek, which would later paint it a deep red color. it stung, especially since the last mark he left there wasn't even completely healed yet. it's okay, it's your fault seonghwa. you made him do this. i kept convincing myself of this, trying to keep my mind off of reality.

i was too caught up in my thoughts to dodge the punch that was thrown toward my stomach. it definitely evoked tears from my eyes, and i was soon in a coughing fit. "i'm sorry joon, you were right okay, please stop, i promise i won't bring it up again!"

"you should've thought about that. i know what's best for you; you shouldn't argue with me, hwa." all i did was nod, as i walked back to our room. i figured he was just going to leave, so i just sat on our bed and cried— i still didn't really understand what i had done wrong.

after a few minutes, i started to pull myself together as the tears stopped dropping from my eyes. but i noticed, i never heard the front door open. the only door i heard open was the one to our bedroom. that's when i looked up to see sungjoon staring down at me. why didn't he leave??


hongjoong's pov

i sighed in relief as i brought the last of my suitcases inside the dorm room. it looks like my roommate isn't here yet... i wondered to myself who it might be. i at least hoped whoever it was would be kind; i didn't have the energy to room with an asshole this time. my roommate last semester would barely even talk, and he was so unnecessarily rude.

thoughts aside, i started to unpack my belongings into the closet on the left side of the room, as that's the side i claimed. while i was doing this, i heard the door open. my roommate must be here now! i immediately shot up from my crouched position to greet them. when we made eye contact, i felt as if my breath was taken from me; flabbergasted.

this was the same guy from yesterday!

i couldn't believe it. what were the chances that we were going to even meet again, let alone be roommates for college? i wasn't complaining though... anyway. i decided to put on a smile and greet him— it didn't seem like he would say anything first.

"what a coincidence... i'm glad to see you again! i hope you're okay... but i'll properly introduce myself this time. i'm hongjoong, i'm a sophomore and i major in music production. i hope we can get along," i paused, not knowing if i should say more or if i already said too much. I see a confused look on his face, and only then do i realize i probably sound like a whole different person; the last two times we met, my responses were short and cold. i felt guilty now, i hoped he would understand.

"ah... nice to meet you hongjoong. i'm seonghwa, and i'm also a sophomore. i major in dance... and i hope so too. and i never got to thank you for yesterday... thank you for helping me. maybe i could pay you back sometime?" HE'S SO CUTE, i couldn't help but think. he seemed very quiet, maybe even a little distant— i hoped he would be able to open up to me eventually. i did see the small grin in his face though; it was almost as if the sun was shining directly into my eyes— it was stunning. he was stunning. everything about this man was amazing. "seonghwa, that's such a pretty name. and no need; i helped you with no intention of getting something in return... it'd be horrible if i did," i gave him a soft smile before continuing to unpack my things.

i quickly halted though, as it came to my realization that i might be able to help seonghwa bring his belongings to our room. "do you need help unpacking? i've finished most of mine, so i wouldn't mind, you know, helping you?" why do i sound so awkward... i never get stuck on my words. "no, it's okay. i don't have many bags anyway and my... my boyfriend is bringing them up. he'll be here any second. thank you for offering though," my smile dropped at the mention of him having a boyfriend. i wasn't sure why the information made me so sad— i didn't even know him for fuck's sake. get a hold of yourself, hongjoong!!

"ah... okay!" was all i could voice. i watched him as he walked towards his bed— he had a slight limp. did he fall? why is he walking that way? i decided i would save the question for later once i heard a knock at the door. both of our heads shot up in the direction of the sound, and seonghwa got up to answer it. i assumed it was his boyfriend.

as the door opened, i saw a tall man holding 2 suitcases and a duffle bag. that was nice of him to carry all of his bags by himself... though i could've done the same thing. i stopped thinking about that topic when i decided to get a good look at seonghwa's boyfriend's face.

wait... is that sungjoon?!


hehe sorry about the cliffhanger 😋😋 i know there's a lot of unanswered questions in this chapter , but they get resolved in the next one, i promise ! i hope you all are enjoying the book so far !! 🫶🏼

— iya 🌼

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