The rains in the kingdom of Canaan always start the year as rude visitors at night. The people believe the creation of the world, began at night. It is how they count their days. It is in fact, forty days, to the Night of First Rain, and the day had begun with a battle cry. Messengers from Akampa border arrived with news of savage killings, the Ugep cannibals once again in another boundary clash, came upon sleeping villagers in the dead of night, hacking heads and roasting flesh with unholy green fires. The Tripod King, The Obong, gave the order to warriors to defend Akampa.

She did not even clean her teeth with bitter root, nor bathe in the stream. Her armour covered her cotten shift to her knees, her sword and shield in hand before her mother, Unyime the beautiful, could say a prayer to the white man's God. There were just fifteen shield maidens trained to fight alongside the warriors in Canaan; fourteen attend to and protect the High Priestess. The fifteenth Shield maiden is always The Custodian of ways. Idara is not a very religious female. She detests the wooden images used in shrines, and she usually smiles a thank you to The Owner after a hearty meal with a sheepish look at the big blue sky; but this is just about it.

Ugep cannibals are ruthless savages that pay no tribute to the Tripod King or his emissaries. They obey no laws. They live like spirits in the deep forests and hunt human heads in the blinding heat of noon, using strange music, melodies that put the listener into deep sleep. They have possession of ancient magic, one of which is the dreaded green fire. She has many bruises, deep cuts, and crispy bites that smolder long after the fires were put out with wet sand. In the cool of the setting sun, she finally makes her way to the healing water of Unwannah's caves.

The high priestess's dwelling is a well carved out network of aromatic caves which give a common sanctuary to the tribe, where pools of clear blue water are scattered around, scented with herbs and warm from source, a geyser hot spring sprouting out of a center rock. Idara does not hesitate to undress and sink gratefully into one of the pools. Men are strictly forbidden to enter after sundown.

Which is why she asks,
"Wet sand, Unwannah?"

The breathy voice that replies comes from a distance behind her, weaving inbetween pillars,
"Was it not helpful?"

"There is only one thing that can wet sand by miles in seconds. And it will take a gifted one to use it properly. But I did not see you at the boundary lines. I saw that evil man, instead."

"Unfortunately, my child, your destiny involves many evil men: be specific."

"Solomon of Etoi!"
"Oh yes, your kinsman."

"The ibibio blood running through his veins is not the same as mine!"

"I wish your father were similarly persuaded."

"That's another topic. How could you let him defile the repository with his abominable presence?"

"The Obong commanded it."

"And, you'll tell no-one. Hush now!"

Idara clamps her mouth shut. Two shield maidens enter the enclave carrying trays of a butchered cow's bloody entrails. The lightest touch on her face makes her jump. She watches old Unwannah put a finger to her lips and nods her head. Something is wrong. The high priestess does not show her whole face, but uses her long gray dreadlocks as curtains hiding her eyes. Idara grabs her wrist firmly, speaking only after the footsteps recede, "What else, did Solomon take?"

SOLOMON'S BRIDGE {Part I}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora