Chapter 15

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They all walked into the lobby with their suitcases dragging behind, it looked like a huge ballroom.
"Wow this is big." Marinette said in awe.
"Let's get checked in and head to our room."
"Yea let's do that." Nino said, staring at the huge chandelier in the middle of the huge lobby.
Alya checked them in.
"Nino let's go to the cafeteria, you two go to the room." She said, pointing at Marinette and Adrien.
"Oh no." Adrien said.
"Huh?" Marinette looked at him.
"Sliding doors." He pointed at the doors to the first floor.
"Ok the protectors of Paris vs a sliding door." Marinette puffed up and walked towards it and Adrien followed behind her.
She ran into the door countless times.
"I think the door wins." Marinette said, rubbing her head. She charged into it one more time and fall down but Adrien caught her.
"This is impossible." She said staring at the door.
They both ran into it and fall on top of eachother with the door hitting them on the hips, just like in New York. Marinette groaned as Nino and Alya walked up behind them.
"You really can't beat these doors can you?" She said, walking through it and holding it for them.
"Nope." They both said, getting up and grabbing their suitcases.
"How high is the room." Nino asked.
"Top, I payed extra for a penthouse." Adrien said.
"Wait what you upgraded our passes?" Alya said.
"Yep." The elevator doors opened and they all walked in, Adrien and Marinette rubbing their hips.
"If there was a sliding door between saving Paris and you two you'd be screwed." Alya laughed.
"Well let's just hope that doesn't happen." Marinette said, clicking the button to the penthouse.
"Did we ever play Max's game?" Nino came out randomly.
"Yes." Marinette and Adrien said.
"No we didn't?" Alya was confused.
"We WAS the game." Marinette said, as the elevator started to lift.
"And I jumped off of it." Adrien added.
"And that." Marinette said.
"You jumped off of it?" Alya asked.
"I didn't want to fight Ladybug so I jumped off." Adrien said and Marinette scratched his chin. The elevator dinged and they all walked out into the small hallway of penthouses.
They walked over to their penthouse and unlocked it, the inside was huge.
"Holy heck this is gigantic." Nino said.
"Hey there's a piano." Adrien pointed at a large piano on an elevated floor.
"OH MY GOD ADRIEN AND HIS GIRLFRIEND!" They all turned around to see a fan of Adrien pointing at them. Adrien pushed them all inside and locked the door.
"Who did they classify as the girlfriend." Marinette said, getting up off the floor.
"I can only assume from the photo Alya posted, you." He pointed at Marinette and she fall down again.
Alya picked up a leaflet and started reading it.
"Oh wow, there's an entire arcade, beach and ice cream parlour here, and in the hotel they have dance parties and karaoke."
"Wow, this seems more diverse than Paris." Nino said.
"Alya we have to do the karaoke." Marinette looked at her.
"By we you mean you." Alya looked at her and winked "I'm going solo."
"Fine, may the best singer win." They both laughed.
"Wait we are going out?" Nino looked at Alya.
"Well we aren't here to stay here are we?" She looked at him "It's just us 4, let's make the most of it."
"And by that you mean." Marinette tilted her head.
"Stay out late, swim in the pool at midnight, watch movies in the AM, play games, get security knocking on the door for noise, all the things kids our age usually do." Alya said, falling into the huge U couch in the middle of her list.
"I don't think anyone does that." Adrien looked at Alya.
"Whatever dude, it sounds good, we have two weeks with no adults, it's just our authority." Nino said, jumping next to Alya.
"Their right you know, this could be the only chance you'll get in a while to bend the rules until they snap." Marinette had jumped onto the couch too and Alya high fived her.
"Yea your right, I can do things I want to do now." Adrien laughed.
"I need to find materials, wanna come to the craft store with me Alya?" Marinette asked her.
"Let's go girl! Don't destroy the room without us!" Alya shouted at the boys while Marinette was dragging her out the door.
"Marinette has changed an awful lot." Adrien said.
"She must feel free now that she doesn't have to go everywhere without talking about her double life, and so must you, loosen up a bit, your father isn't here to stop you." Nino said while turning on the TV.
"Ok." Adrien said, sitting next to Nino.

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