Chapter 8

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It was the next day as Marinette was leaving for school, she was an hour late, she didn't manage to wake up since she was up so late talking to Chat. She exited the bakery, only managing to get food for Tikki and not herself, she slipped a macaron into her purse and took off running towards school.

She pushed open the door and fall onto the floor and everyone laughed.
"Sorry!" Marinette said, collecting her things and standing up, but when she looked in her purse to check for Tikki, she wasn't there. She glanced at Alya for help and Alya shifted her eyes to the floor, where Tikki was laid as still as a mouse, she quickly scooped the creature up.
"Sorry! I-It's my cousins! She left it at my house and I'm dropping it off a-after school!"Marinette stuttered, sprinting to her seat. She thought everyone shrugged it off until she noticed Adrien staring at the spot where Tikki was.
~Oh god what if he knows~ Marinette thought to herself.

She finally sat down at her seat to notice Alya staring at her.
"What was that? Someone could've known, your lucky you told me!" Alya whispered towards her.
"I know! I don't think anyone knows though."
"Ok girl, be careful or you could put everyone in danger." Alya said, looking slightly worried.

It was the end of the day and Marinette ran into the bathroom and got out Tikki.
"Marinette someone could've noticed me!" Tikki said, scared.
"I know Tikki but no one has said anything, they must believe me, plus they know I never lie... most of the time." Marinette replied, remembering all the times she'd lied to go fight akumas.
"Well if you say so, but keep on pre-caution incase someone knows." Tikki flew back into her purse and Marinette shut the hutch as she walked out to her locker.

Marinette had made it to her locker without anyone asking questions, and she thought she'd got away with it until she had shut her locker.
"Marinette." She heard someone say her name and she froze.
"YES?" She accidentally shouted.
"We need to talk." The person said, and they grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of school into the alleyway next to it without having the chance to catch a glimpse of who it was. The person put their hood down and she saw Adrien.
"A-Adrien?!" She shouted, flustered.
"Shhh. I know that isn't your cousins plush." Adrien said, staring at her.
"Y-Yes it is." She replied, clearly starting to worry.
Adrien laughed "No it's not."
He opened his jacket and a small black creature came out.
She screamed.
"Plagg?! What are you doing with Adrien?"
"Oh hi, Marinette. Wait. Marinette! Adrien open your jacket, open your jacket!" Plagg shouted.
"I know your Ladybug, Marinette." Adrien whispered, with a smile. Tikki flew out of her bag.
"I told you someone would see." Tikki said, with her tiny arms crossed across her chest.
Plagg zoomed out of Adrien's jacket at the sound of Tikki's voice.
"Why hello, sugarcube." Plagg said, flying towards Tikki.
"Don't call me that!" Tikki shouted as Adrien and Marinette watched them debate over a name.
"Wait so your Chat Noir?" Marinette said, turning to Adrien while Plagg and Tikki where still fighting.
"Yea I guess I am." Adrien responded, with his arm around his neck.
"So you've been flirting with me this entire time?" Marinette asked, staring at the wall next to them.
She screeched while she grabbed Tikki and put her in her purse.
"I have to go bye!" She hyper-ventilated while running away.
Adrien laughed while Plagg was left flying at the side of the alley.
"Hey I wasn't done talking to her!" Plagg shouted after Marinette.

Marinette collapsed on her bed
"Adrien... is Chat Noir?" She said, extremely surprised.
"Surprise?" Tikki said.
She was about to say something when a buzz came from her phone

A: Hey.

Adrien had messaged her.

M: Hi.

A: I'm sorry I scared you earlier.

M: Oh no you didn't scare me I just didn't really expect it to be you.

A: Oh ok. Well since we know eachother can you tell me who this boy is now?

M: Oh uh yea sure soon I have to help my bakery in the parents!

A: I think you mean your parents in the bakery but fine by me :)

"AGGHHH! Tikki what do I say?" Marinette screamed.
"Well now you know they are the same person and you don't have to worry anymore, so just say him." Tikki smiled.
"Well I guess I better actually go help my 'bakery' in the 'parents'." Marinette laughed and Tikki joined.

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