Chapter 3

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Ladybug was cornered, she'd lost her yo-yo while trying to fight Heartrot. She could only hope Chat Noir would find her before it was too late.
"Ladybug, your heart is broken from the despair of someone you love falling for someone else." Heartrot stared at her dead in the eyes, unable to comprehend how she knew.
"No!" She said even though she knew deep down in her heart that Adrien loved Kagami and not her "Your wrong!"
"Oh really, prove me how I am wrong."
She looked to the side of the super villain and saw a black cat swinging on a large gray pole, and then the idea hit her.
"I've got a boyfriend!" She shouted, so loud that Chat from about 50 metres away could hear her, she could see his change in emotion.
She felt bad for lying but it was the only way she could get away from her. The cat jumped down, visibly upset and started swinging his stick in a weapon like motion.
Heartrot pointed the gun at Ladybug.
"Drop the stick or she gets the spray."
He changed from upset to worried and dropped his stick on the floor with his hands in the air, rolling his stick towards the supervillain.
"Why did you do that Chat?" Ladybug raised her voice slightly at him.
"Hey! You should be thanking me! I don't know what that spray does but I just saved you from it!"
"Enough with the chit chat. Ladybug tell me who this lucky boy is. " Heartrot didn't drop her aim from Ladybug's head.
Chat's ears started to droop and he frowned with his hands still in the air, knowing he couldn't flee the embarrassment without his stick or Heartrot would spray her.
"Ladybug! Answer now!" The villain got impatient quickly.
She knew Chat had liked her as more than a friend since they met, she felt horrible doing this to him, especially after all the times he risked his life for her sake.

She thought she knew everything about herself, but she realised in that moment of life or death, that she may exchange the same feelings with him. She wanted to stay loyal for her feelings towards Adrien but she couldn't anymore.
"Chat Noir."
The cat's ears shot up with surprise
"It's Chat Noir."
She smiled to herself discreetly, she could sense the excitement that he was radiating from those 5 words.
"Prove it." The villain said. Ladybugs eyes widened at the thought.
"How?" Chat Noir answered, knowing what she was going to say but asking it anyway.
"Well what do you think you dumb kitty, go on." The villain said, hinting towards slight disbelief.
He exchanged looks with Ladybug and smiled awkwardly and nervously.  She knew she has to kiss him. She nodded slightly, knowing they were both powerless without their weapons. 
She slowly side-stepped towards him.
"Let's just get this over with." She huffed.
"I didn't exactly dream of it happening this way either." The cat said nervously smiling.
"Your just happy you get to kiss me without a spell." Ladybug said, sighing.
"Hurry up and do it." Heartrot said.
They both turned to her.
"Just get it done with." Ladybug said looking away.
Chat noir grabbed her face gently, his smile was extremely wide.
"Get ready." he whispered
"I'm as ready as i'll get." she said, trying not to make eye contact with him.
He hesitated for a second and then shook it off.
~No! Your kissing the girl you've liked for a year now! Just do it!~ He thought to himself. He took no time, he pulled her in and kissed her.

Ladybug didn't know what has happening, one minute she was looking away and the next they were kissing. She didn't want to admit it but it gave her butterflies. Which is ironic because she was being forced to kiss him by an akuma. He pulled away after a few seconds and looked down.
What she didn't notice was that it was already 7AM and it was time to go to school,  but she also didn't notice that Alya, who also writes a blog about her, was stood right across the round about taking photos of them kissing.
Ladybug screeched. She snatched Chat Noir's stick from under Heartrot's feet and she extended it, pinning the villain down.
"Cataclysm her gun." She said attempting not to make eye contact.
"Cataclysm!" He said and her gun disintegrated and the akuma flew out.
She grabbed her yo-yo from behind the former villain and caught the akuma.
"Miss Bustier I think you should head to school it's 7AM." Ladybug said.
"I'm so sorry, I caught my fiancé on a date with someone else." Miss Bustier tried to explain.
"And that's not your fault, don't head to school today, not after what happened to you, call someone in for you."
"Do you think you two could fill in? I know the kids would love it." Miss Bustier begged them.
Ladybug turned to her partner finally making eye contact with him. He nodded.
"Yes, but we may be late." Ladybug said. Chat Noir was still half in shock that she actually gave him consent.
"We need to leave to recharge."  Ladybug said, pulling Chat Noir with her as she threw her yo-yo and yanked on it, pulling them through the sky.

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