Today was an exception though. I sat in the praetor house getting ready for my first date with Reyna. I had planned something special, and apparently so had she. It may have been my birthday, but this was my long over due treat to Reyna.

I was dressed fairly simple. I had a nice pair of jeans on that I only wear when I go out, and a fairly nice polo shirt that was fairly tight and I never had to question why Reyna liked this shirt on me. Of course like most guys though I had a mental check list always going, deodorant, brushing my teeth, the cologne that Reyna likes, putting gel in my hair to spike it. I had always wanted to grow out my hair, but being Roman I was forced to keep it short.

As I was spiking my hair I heard a voice come from behind me, "You look great bro!"

I recognized the voice instantly as my sister Bianca. I grinned as I looked into my mirror and saw her, "Thanks, what are you guys going to do tonight?"

She shrugged her shoulders and plopped down on a comfy black leather chair and whirled it around to where she was facing me, "I don't know. Nico gave the first cohort the rest of the night off. I am pretty sure he went to make kissy faces with the daughter of Athena though. The thought repulses me!"

We both chuckled at that, I shot back, "We both know Nico doesn't have the spine to kiss her!"

Hazel suddenly popped into the room next to Bianca, "That's what you think!"

She had a knowing smirk on her face and I knew she had been up to mischief. I grinned slyly, "You mean little Nici is actually kissing Annabeth?"

Bianca had a face splitting grin, "Sounds like I have new leverage over my centurion!"

I walked over to Bianca and fist bumped her since she was holding her hand out! We all laughed at this as I pulled up a chair so we were all sitting around the coffee table, I asked, "So what do I owe the pleasure to both of my sisters visiting me?"

Hazel smiled, "We just wanted to spend some time with you on your birthday before you went out with Reyna for the night! We expect her to be in the centurion bed by midnight praetor!"

I winked at Bianca, "I don't think anyone will be sleeping in that bed tonight!"

Both of my sisters looked at me in horror and I laughed at the looks on their faces, "Geez, I am joking guys! But your faces are priceless!"

Bianca and Hazel both glared at me. Hazels screeched, "That's not funny Percy! I may be 13, but I did not need to know that!"

Bianca laughed and shot back, "Don't play that card Haze, I know that you and that son of Mars have been hooking up after hours!"

I glared at Hazel, "Whats his name, rank, cohort, and what does he look like?"

Bianca grinned while Hazel paled, "His name is Frank Zhang, prefect of the second cohort, he is a tall pudgy Asian guy, but something tells me there is something different about him. He sends a strange aura of death. Nico has commented about it more than once, but I haven't done any investigating on him yet. I only found out today that him and Haze over here have been making kissy faces."

I growled in good nature, "Sounds like I may be visiting the second cohort before I leave!"

Hazel shot to her feet, "He's just a kid Percy don't kill him! He will be in the first cohort I think soon, he is powerful for a second cohort demigod!"

I snorted, "He better be if he is going to win the heart of my baby sister!"

Bianca and high fived hard and Hazel blushed. Bianca smiled, "We need to do this more often Percy. You and Nico have a closer relationship than us since you have to deal with him a lot as Centurion. I feel we don't get to spend enough time together!"

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