Chapter four

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Chapter 4

My first night sleeping at Camp Jupiter wasn't bad. I had strange dreams of my friend Alecto removing two children out of a casino somewhere in what I believed to be Las Vegas. Now that my senses have returned to me I am pretty sure those two kids were my brother and sister. Nico and Bianca were the names that came to my mind, but I honestly can't say for sure if that is right.

It was 5:00Am and everyone else in my barrack was asleep, accept for Reyna of course. She knew it was our time of day to begin our training. Most people around here get up at 7:00 so we will only have about a full hour and a half of training by the time we are warmed up and prepared to get rolling. I was getting dressed in the boys barrack when I walked outside of it and waited just a minute for Reyna. She came out looking tired as if she stayed up all night. I said quietly, "Didn't sleep well?"

She grimaced, "I had dreams of that horrid son of Heracles."

I chuckled at that and we walked down to the beach where we had decided we were going to conduct our training. A few people were up and walking around, most were couples from New Rome, who went on early mornings walks and such, and every person awake eyed us curiously. When we made it to the beach we stretched for a few minutes and then drew two swords a piece. She had Proelium and some other Imperial gold blade, while I had riptide and Ultor in each hand.

We held both our blades out to each other and began practicing point combat. We know in a real fight it would be relentless attacking, but point combat helps you defensively and puts you in more of a stressful and alert scenario. We did this for thirty minutes, me winning almost every time, and then we began working on her powers. This was our first practice so I took her into baby steps at a time. I tried getting her to just shadow travel around the beach since almost everything right now had a shadow. She was unsuccessful most of our practice, but she was starting to grasp it. I summoned a few skeleton warriors and she defeated them easily to show my fathers blessing worked well for her.

I smiled at her happily as we wound down our training session. I threw my arm around her saying, "Just takes practice that was pretty good for your first day. We can do this everyday until you get it down, and then we can try and see the extent of the blessing and what else you might be able to do."

Her smile was so bright it was beautiful. We walked back up to our barracks as we knew everyone would be waking up soon. When we got there most people looked at us questioningly since we had clearly been up for a while. Jason asked me, "Where were you?"

I didn't detect any suspicion just curiosity so I answered respectfully, "Down at the beach with Reyna, centurion. We were brushing up on her underworld abilities. Also we conducted our usual training exercises, thankfully hear at Camp Jupiter we aren't required to train as much as we did in the underworld."

Jason shook his head, "We train about eight hours a day here man, its not easy."

I grinned, "Yeah it will be nice to only train for a third of the day. Reyna and I trained 12-14 hours a day just depending on how we were feeling. My teachers were harsh, so we didn't get very many breaks or vacations."

Jason nodded in understanding and respect. The day went on like any other normal day at Camp Jupiter. The legion did there day to day duties such as practicing formation fighting, regular combat fighting, archery (which people were in awe of my skill. I had to tell them I had been trained by Apollo to explain myself), weapon sparring, and all the fun stuff you need to know how to do to be a warrior.

I studied the first cohort throughout the day, trying to catch names and faces. It sounds like there are only one or two legacies in the first cohort, mostly everyone here is a direct descendant of the gods.

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