Drugged... For Science!

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Hi Guys!

So I have finally managed to write out A_Lesbian_Disaster_'s request for a drugged Doctor. It was a whole journey to get here and it finally, almost, wrote itself. This was fun to write, my interpretation of a drugged Doctor is probably different to other's interpretation, but this did amuse me so much. 

I finally managed to write almost a whole chapter without angst or trauma! There is a sprinkling of it in the beginning which was not planned, but I think it fits, maybe?

I hope you all enjoy it, I don't know what I did exactly to the poor Doctor but I did something for sure.



2 hours earlier...

I left my room, making my way down to the kitchen, I wanting something sweet and maybe a banana, wondering what Tarina was doing, hoping Val was taking good care of her. "Oh Doctor, didn't expect to see you here, I was just about to summon you!" Val called out as I entered the kitchen. I rose an eyebrow, "and how exactly would you have gone about that?" I asked, sitting down on a chair at the counter, sitting forward. "Well, it was either stabbing myself three times or saying your name three times in front of a mirror." She said casually, "want some tea?" she asked turning back round. "Interesting," I drawled, "I would have gone with a combination of both, just to be certain it would work, and yes please."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind for next time," she told me, turning around, grabbing another mug from the cupboard. "What are you doing here, shouldn't you be with Tarina instead?" I asked her, trying not to panic, I didn't want her to be left alone, I just... she needed to be looked after.

"I swear," she mumbled, turning to me, handing me my mug. "She's fine, we entertained ourselves and she said she would be fine if I checked up on you."

"I don't need checking up on, I'm not a child." I told her sipping my drink, which was much sweeter than I usually made it. Nevertheless, it was pretty good. "Sweet enough for you?" Val asked with a smirk.

"It's just fine, thanks." I told her in return.

"No worries and maybe you don't need checking in on, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to do it anyway." She informed me, sitting in front of me, her own drink in hand.

"You don't need to check up on me."

"Ok, no need to get snappy," she told me, lifting her hands in surrender, "is it really so bad of me to want to see if you are doing ok? I might not know what happened between the two of you but clearly it was big and-"

"I KNOW YOU DON'T MEAN IT OK!" I shouted, "you don't have to pretend, you've never cared, all those years in my head, snarking at me, telling me how I was wrong to handle certain situations in the way I did, you never cared then, why would you now?" I told her, calming down slightly, looking into the bottom of my mug. We sat in silence for a few moments, nothing said between us, the tension cooling down.

"You're right," she said eventually, and I looked at her in surprise, "all those years I never cared, I'm not sure if I totally care for you now." Her words filled the silence, the truth ringing between the two of us. "But if anything, I care for Tarina, she is my top priority, I guess she has changed me more than we both realise. Because I do care, not entirely, trust me, I would love nothing more than you abandoning those morals of yours and embracing the darkness." She paused, "But she is a sweet kid, and I can't help but care for her. Seeing as you are important to her means I care somewhat for you too." Words failed me. I didn't know what to say, I wasn't sure there was much to say. I didn't expect her to be so honest with me.

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