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Hi guys,

So I really don't like to do this, but this is a super important note, so please read it and if you don't, well I don't want to hear any complaining in the comments later on. So this chapter... there are some MATURE THEMES described and talked about in this, so if you are sensitive to child abuse and some torture, you will want to skip those parts.

I will make sure to highlight these two sections in the story so if you do want to skip it you can, and if you would like a summary please do DM me. If this chapter does bring up anything you would like to talk about, again feel free to DM me, they are open for you all!

Anyway, this chapter, was interesting to write, ArkhamKn1gh7 again requested it, so I hope you all enjoy it!



"Not sure just yet, did you go on any adventures without us?" Yaz asked, walking up to the console, leaning against it as she faced me. "No, no adventures, just fixing up the TARDIS."

"I find that hard to believe," Dan said, "You ok... what was your name again? Sorry, not great with names." I looked down at Tarina, who was still curled into my side, making sure she was ok, not sure how she was handling the attention. She nodded softly at me, before moving over to a corner, sitting against one of the orange columns, watching us as she curled up under her blanket. "Tarina, her name is Tarina." I said to Dan, you ok Ria?" I asked her, and she nodded in response. I sent her a questioning feeling through the bond, and she replied with I'm fine, just tired, promise. I nodded softly at her, noticing the questioning looks my companions sent each other.

"Ummm ok... you ok Tarina?" Dan asked her and she nodded, giving him a soft smile.

"You sure?" Yaz asked, tone filled with concern, "you look tired."

Can you tell them I'm ok please, Tarina asked, and I smiled at her, "She's ok, just tired, we had an eventful day." I responded, noticing their confused looks, "Time Lords tend to create mental bonds with each other, especially with children, that's how we are communicating." I explained quickly, not wanting to go into detail.

"Why doesn't she speak?" Yaz asked, curious.

"I'm not sure," I said, refusing to answer any more questions on the subject. As I turned towards the console, focusing on getting us back into the time vortex. "It must be nice, to be with another time lord again." Dan said as he leaned against the console next to Yaz.

"Yeah it is," I replied, looking back towards her, noticing she had drifted off to sleep. Good, I thought, hoping she slept deeply, escaping any nightmares. Hoping nothing too bad had happened to her while the Trickster had up separated. "Where did you find her?" Yaz wondered, hastily added as I turned her way, "It doesn't matter, I just... it makes you wonder if there are any other time lords out there." I nodded at her, I could see why she was thinking that, Tarina's appearance did bring up the question, but deep within, I knew it was only us left. Well, us and the Master. "We're the last ones, I would know otherwise. Well unless they were..." I trailed off, deep in thought, bringing myself back quickly, knowing it was useless to keep following that train of thought. "It doesn't matter, if there were, someone would've sent out a sign, would've told us, but there hasn't been, so there isn't" I said firmly, not wanting to talk about this anymore. If I found out Tarina's mother had survived and was out there... well, that certainly wouldn't be happy ending.

"Anyway, any thoughts on where you'd like to go?" I asked, changing the topic before they could ask any other questions. "Hmm, well we did leave on the day of new years..." Yaz trailed off and I grinned. "New Years night on different planets, perfect! Let's do a tour!" I said, jumping around the console, setting the co-ordinates. "Right then, first stop is..." Before I could push the lever which would transport us, a bloodcurdling scream erupted from somewhere behind me.

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