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Hi Guys,

Ummm, I did it again. I didn't mean to, but I did. This chapter got away from me yet again and I had to split it in half. The second section has yet to be written but considering it was a request A_Lesbian_Disaster_ gave me, I wanted to do it properly and this chapter would've ended up way to long if I had it in here. So, I promise, next chapter will be your request!

This chapter is a whole rollercoaster of emotions, there is some fun fluffy stuff but also a lot of trauma, sorry for that! But I do hope you all enjoy it, I certainly had an interesting time writing it...



Groaning slightly as pieces of warmth and love filtered through my mind, I pulled the source of warmth, which was half lying on my shoulder, further towards me, feeling it shift so it was fully on my shoulder, a weight landing on my stomach. I let myself bask in the warmth for a few minutes longer before opening my eyes, shifting my arm slightly to get the feeling back. Tarina was lying on her side, her head on my shoulder, pressed up against my body, her arm on my stomach, completely relaxed.

Taking note of the time, I realised I had been asleep for roughly half an hour, Tarina had been sleeping for 45 minutes, drifting off as I had told her a story, not that I as surprised. She had fully exhausted herself, over what I wasn't sure, but I knew I had to ask her, as much as I was loathe to admit it. Did I really want to pop the bubble of content and relaxation she was currently situated in? No, but I knew I had to. Then I remembered.

She had spoken. Her voice was hoarse and cracked and very whispery, but it was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. Even better than the singing of the Darillium Towers. Twisting slightly, I managed to pull my sonic out my pocket and I scanned her, nodding at the results, making a mental note to take her to the med bay for a more in-depth scan, I didn't want her to damage her vocal cords.

Hearing Tarina stir, my attention was immediately stolen by her, the way she fluttered her eyes, hands coming up to rub them as she turned her head deeper into my shoulders. It was truly adorable. Chuckling lightly as she squirmed, clearly trying to go back to sleep, laughing as she huffed, clearly giving up. I laughed harder as she glared at me, throwing my head back, eyes shut as they began to tear slightly. She was so unfairly cute.

"Hey, it's not funny," she rasped at me, sat up, arms crossed, pouting.

"I know," I told her, laughter dying down, grinning, "I'm sorry it's just..." I trailed off.

"What?" she asked, tilting her head, frowning when I said nothing, just looked at her amused, "Come on, you have to tell me." I shook my head smiling at her, head tilted back slightly as I half lay down, looking at her. She told me before dissolving into coughs. I sat up, patting her back, the TARDIS materialising a glass of water which I helped her drink. "Ok, to the med bay we go," I told her, getting up and out of her bed, stretching slightly as Tarina got up after me. Grabbing her hand, I led her to the med bay, getting her to sit down and initiating some scans.

Reading the results desperately, I sighed in relief, it wasn't as bad as I feared. "Ok, so your vocal cords are weak, but, if we take care of them, you should be perfectly fine after a week or so. Thank the stars Tecteun froze your body, or the damage... I don't even want to think about it," I trailed off, Tarina jumping off the bed, hugging me. "It's ok," she whispered, "I'll be fine."

"Yes you will," I told her darkly, tightening my arms around her, "I'll make sure of it."

We walked back to her room in comfortable silence, my arm wrapping around her, holding her close to me. I knew I had to bring it up, I had to talk to her about what had happened, but I didn't want to. We entered her room, and she made a beeline for her bed, laying back down, and I followed, laying next to her and she shifted, moving so her head rested on my stomach. My hands finding her head, stroking her softly. "Ria," I stared, and she looked up at me, "what was that earlier?" I asked hesitantly, not wanting to disturb the peace we were currently in, but knowing I had to. I had to know so I could prevent it from happening again, I didn't want her to fell that distraught, that destroyed, ever again. It was nothing, she sent to me, looking down, fiddling with her hands. "Ria, please," a slight begging edge in my tone, "I... I felt your distraught, Ria please, how do I stop it from happening again."

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