Introducing the Valeyard

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Hi Guys,

So this chapter kind of got away from me. I was planning to fulfil a request left in the last chapter but fluff happened and my word count would've been too long, so that request will happen next chapter, I promise, when it will come I have no clue.

This chapter is a rollercoaster of emotion, there maybe some triggering issues in the last Tarina pov section, she kinda falls into  dark mindset, she is negative about herself, I just wanted to warn you.

The images attached to this chapter, I hope they worked, is what I imagine my Valeyard wearing, just ignore the leather trousers that feature in two of the pictures.

This chapter was hugely fun to write, I hope you guys enjoy it!



"What are you doing here?" I asked, slightly bitter, still stood by the door, ignoring my companions confusion and questions for the moment. "You're free, you can go wherever you want." I stated, watching with narrowed eyes as she pulled off her coat, covered in blood, tossing it over the railing, next to my own, crossing her arms. Leaning against the railing she smirked at me, "Why would I be anywhere other than here Doc, you know how much I love you; I couldn't stand the idea of us being apart," she said, fake hurt in her tone, fluttering her eyelashes at me. I rolled my eyes, turning back to the console, ready to change the co-ordinates. "Storm cage it is then." I sighed.

"Ok, hold up, why is your clone here?" Dan asked loudly, clearly wanting some answers, Yaz nodding beside him. I felt Tarina's curiosity poking me, and I groaned, this was not what I wanted nor needed right now. "You didn't tell them about me? Doc I'm hurt, here I was thinking we had something special." I breathed out harshly, "You're not helping at all," I said through gritted teeth and Val smirked.

"Oh I know, you know me, I live to make things difficult for you..."she stated, turning towards Tarina, "Hello Tarina dear, you remember me don't you?" Tarina glanced at me before looking back at Val, tilting her head, trying to place her before shaking her head lightly, looking apologetic. Val huffed before standing in front of her, I stiffened, ready to intervene if she tried anything, but she merely looked her in the eye. "Oh come on darling, you can't have forgotten me already,"

Realisation must have come to her as her eyes flashed, looking towards me asking, is this... is this Valeyard? I pinched my nose, imagining the headache Val was going to cause me. "Unfortunately," I muttered and Tarina smiled softly, waving shyly at Val, my annoyance melting slightly at her action. "Clever girl," Val said, scooping her into a hug, a hug which Tarina hesitantly accepted. I could feel her wariness through the bond, she clearly didn't trust her fully just yet, but she wasn't uncomfortable, calming me significantly. "Ok, can someone please explain what the hell is happening right now?" Yaz exclaimed, "hello, two confused humans here."

"Are you always so annoying, really Doc, you used to keep much better company." Val drawled, breaking off her hug from Tarina who had come to my side, leaning heavily into me, yawning slightly. I smiled at her, running a hand through her hair, asking her, "You ok?" as she looked up at me through her eyelashes. She nodded before gesturing to my frustrated companions, you better explain Doc, don't want them throwing you into a supernova do you? I grumbled, rolling my eyes, "Ok, for the last time, the instructions are wrong, throwing them into a supernova was totally justified."

"They're instructions for a reason Doctor."

They're instructions for a reason Doctor. Val and Tarina said at the same time, and I huffed. "Hello, explanation?" Yaz reminded us, and I tilted my head back closing my eyes for a moment, trying to give myself a moment of peace. Something, I suspected, would be hard to get now Valeyard was here, I couldn't let her loose on the world, so I guess... yep, I had to keep her.

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