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The Great Hall was filled with bright lights and many noblemen and noblewomen. The plan was to go through the naming ceremony and baptism and then have the ball. So upon Francis and Mary's entrance with baby Phillip, the crowd grew quiet and all eyes were on the King and Queen. "Thank you all for joining us on this momentous day." Francis said. Mary shifted her hold on Phillip to hand him to the priest. The priest prayed over their son and went through the ceremony before handing the Prince to Francis. "I present to you Phillip Oliver Valois, Prince of France!" The crowd exploded into thunderous applause and cheers. Mary took the now wide awake Prince and held him close so he would calm down. Francis raised his hands and quieted the crowd. "Now my loyal nobles enjoy the rest of the night with a ball!" he exclaimed smiling from ear to ear. The musicians began playing and the servants began to bring out the refreshments for the guests. Mary excused herself to take care of Phillip before coming back to the ball.

Greer made her way through the crowd greeting several Ladies as she went stopping to talk to a few of them as some congratulated her on her baby. The ball was in full swing with the music filling every corner of the Great Hall. Greer saw Lola entertaining a few men that could be potential suitors for her if she wanted to remarry. Julien had left her with a good holding and finances so she and Nathaniel would be taken care of but Greer suspected Lola was looking for someone to be a father to Nathaniel. She saw Mary and Francis dancing together and Bash and Kenna teasing each other by the drink table. Things were well at court but for how long no one could be sure. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see Leith behind her. "Feel like dancing?" He said smiling. She took his hand and nodded. They headed to the floor as the band started playing a slow song.

As the evening turned into a late night Francis noticed Mary start to tire and urged her to take a break to check on their son knowing full well she would nurse him and in turn fall asleep herself. He mingled with a few more nobles before stepping back and observing the crowd. He was sure this peace would not last and he wanted to be ready for the change rather than be taken by surprise. On the outside it looked as though the Protestants were behaving themselves but behind closed doors he knew there were Catholic nobles not happy still. He watched as one noble in particular seemed to pay close attention to Lola and she to him. Then an aide approached Francis and handed him a missive which piqued his curiosity as he opened it. Who would be awake at this unholy hour besides the merry crowd before him? He sighed as he read the message knowing the change he was dreading had come. Elizabeth had given birth to a son. He knew now that she would do anything to keep the throne in her control and so the race was on for an alliance to be made before she made a decision that would end in war with England.

Greer and Leith soon excused themselves wishing to retire for they were exhausted from their long trip. Kenna had led Bash out of the ballroom a long time before having other plans for her husband and Lola had begun to feel the need to return to her son and feed him. She didn't miss the special attention paid to her by one Lord Narcisse and neither did her friends or King. And Francis pushed the message he'd received at the back of his mind while he investigated what was known about this Narcisse. A few words with nobles and a quick introduction had him questioning the lord's attentions to Lola, but he must stack those feelings in with those of the recent news he'd received. So excusing himself from the festivities he went to his library and proceeded to write his questions and concerns down. They would be shared with his advisors and special members he'd chosen to report to him about his people's views and such. As well as spies in England and those loyal to Mary in Scotland.

As his eyelids grew heavy Francis proceeded to return each document to its proper place and lock them up in the desk before he returned to his chambers. He removed his outer robes and garments till he was in a simple cotton shirt and trousers. He noticed Mary had fallen asleep on their bed with Phillip still in her arms. Francis laid Phillip in his crib before removing Mary's gown and her corset and chemise. He pulled the covers over her and crawled in beside her. The comfort of his wife at his side had him expel the thoughts of the following day from his mind and fall asleep peacefully.

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