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Mary and Francis made their appearance at the feast with Mary holding Princess Merida Adelaide heir to the throne of France. A few of their new guests all fawned over the baby and those that had been introduced commented at how much she'd grown. As for little Adi herself she was wide eyed and alert like any six-month-old would be. Mary was even surprised when Bash and Kenna arrived with little Alexander. "You really should be resting." Mary advised. Kenna cradled her son as Adi batted her hands and watched her little cousin. "I won't stay long, but both Bash and I wanted to show him off. This feast is in our honor you know. What better way to encourage the subjects?" Mary and Kenna laughed together like they had when they were girls. "Ladies let's find our seats, shall we?" Francis said placing a hand possessively on Mary's waist. Bash did the same with Kenna as they made their way to their seats right beside the King and Queen's.

Louis arrived at the feast shortly after the King and Queen and after he was introduced, and everyone went back to conversing he made his way to his seat closer to Francis and his brother. He was looking forward to meeting Mary and seeing if the rumors were true. As he made his way to his seat Francis stood and lifted his glass. "Shall we toast to the new addition to the Royal family and to new friends and possibilities Prince Louis of Conde has offered us." Louis inclined his head toward the king and picked up his glass that the servant had just filled. The guests all stood and toasted then sat back down so the feast could begin. Louis saw Mary clearly for the first time and noted her beauty was all it was rumored to be. Then he noticed the way Francis stared at her and was glancing at the baby she was holding in her arms. He watched as she handed the child to what looked like the nanny. Louis had seen enough babies to know a newborn when he saw it and the child was much older than that. He drew his gaze to where Bash and Kenna were sitting and saw their son as Kenna handed him to the other nanny. He began eating and started up a conversation with the nobleman he was seated next too, so he wouldn't draw attention to his staring. Apparently, his information was outdated. Mary and Francis were completely in love and the child was proof their marriage wasn't as in danger as people thought.

Lola noticed the new Prince watching Mary and the others and wondered what was going through his head. She was going to ask Mary about him when Julien squeezed her hand and then kissed it. "Will you dance with me and only me tonight?" he whispered in her ear from his seat beside her. She smiled and watched as the light of the torches flickered on his handsome face. "If my King ask me to dance I can't refuse, but if it makes you happy I will refuse anyone else." she teased. He chuckled and continued eating. She smiled in return and continued eating as well. Things were going well, and she was confident she would be married not long after Greer was. She felt Julian brush against her shoulder and the tingles his touch sent through her body. Perhaps she'd be married sooner than she thought.

Mary noticed Kenna looking tired as the night wore on and a few dances later she insisted Bash accompany her back to their chambers. She was surprised her brother-in-law hadn't suggested it sooner, but Kenna was good at hiding things from most people and Bash was engaged with a few of the nobles. She even felt herself growing tired. She'd either danced with Francis or talked with a few of the ladies most of the night. She'd even had Francis officially introduce her to their cousin Louis. She'd danced with him once, but he was pulled into a debate about special grains. She felt as though he'd enjoyed dancing with her a little too much. She looked for Francis to tell him she was about to retire when she felt a familiar hand slip around her waist and pull her into the corridor. "What's say we retire for the night." he said moving his hand lower and kissing her neck. She smiled, took his hand and started running to their chambers.

Francis and Mary giggled like school-children as they ran to their chambers as if they were just two people and not the King and Queen of France. They were breathless when they reached their chambers, but they didn't let them stop them. They were leaning against the closed doors, so Francis just turned and pinning Mary to the wall with his body began kissing her as if he was dying of thirst and she was his water. She moaned as she leaned into him and returned his kisses and caresses. Soon they were making their way to their bed shedding clothes along the way. They spent as much time as they could together until Merida's nanny knocked on the door letting them know little Adi was hungry. Mary put her robe on and took her daughter dismissing the nanny for the night. After feeding her and putting her in her cradle she went back to making love to Francis.

Meanwhile Louis went through a few more dances before he excused himself for the night. He retired to his chambers and as he lay in his bed watching the shadows of the fire dance on the wall he cycled through the information he'd gained from the feast. He'd learned that Mary and Francis weren't going through rough times like he'd thought. They were in fact to the public's eye happily still in married bliss and even had a daughter. He wasn't sure how that very important piece of information was missed, but it didn't matter now. After all his main mission was to see if Francis would indeed make a good king. He was really too tired to process any more information, so he proceeded to undress and bed down for the night. Tomorrow was a new day after all.

Lola was starting to regret her suggestion for Julien to escort her back to her rooms without an escort. After the rush of dancing and being held in each other's arms their adrenaline and emotions were still high and she knew Julian wanted to be married almost as soon as they were engaged because of how much they wanted to be together. Now that the wedding was drawing closer it was getting harder to ignore what they felt for each other. Even now the heat from his hand at her waist was starting to awaken her senses. She didn't want a mistake to ruin any chance they had of a life in the palace. They reached her chambers and she walked in ahead of him and then turned around and stopping so he had to stand in the doorway. "Thank you for seeing me to my chambers, Julien." He gave her a roguish smile, one that always made her heart beat faster. "Soon I will be escorting you to our chambers." he said and before she could protest he placed a gentle, yet firm kiss on her lips. She let him kiss her for a few seconds longer than was proper before pulling away. "Julien please." she said hoping to dissuade him before she lost her nerve. He sighed and gave her a wounded look. "I know how much you want me too Lola, but because I love you I won't force you." he took her hand and pulling her against him crushed her lips in a passion filled kiss before pulling away and stepping back. "That was just a small taste love." then he closed the door and was gone. She had to grip the door to keep from falling on her weak knees, a result of his parting kiss. She closed her eyes still feeling his closeness. She was glad they decided to get married before spring because if her wedding day wasn't a few days away she had a feeling her resolve would've disappeared with his kiss.

The next morning Francis woke to find Mary just finishing up Adi's morning routine as she handed her off to the nanny. Mary typically spent most of the morning with her, but with their cousin Louis having arrived they planned to take a riding tour through the surrounding lands. Francis was sure with the amount of men they would have since Louis was with them they would be safe. Mary saw he was awake, so he held out his hand beckoning her back to the bed. "Francis you know we have the ride planned with our cousin today." she said as she walked to the bed. Her robe flitted about her giving him glimpses of exposed skin. He smiled at the fact that she hadn't gotten dressed yet. She reached the bed and took his hand. He tugged, and she crawled back into the bed. Without saying anything he slipped a hand under her robe and touched one of her soft spots. She inhaled sharply at the first touch of his cold hands, but she relaxed when he found her soft spot. He leaned forward and kissed her pulling her against him. He knew he had he when she let him slip her robe off of her shoulders and returned his kisses.

Mary gave in to Francis' touch knowing she should take advantage of these times when they could. Running two countries was hard and every once in a while, they needed to step back and remember what they were fighting for. She let him slip of her robe and returned his passionate kisses. He seemed to enjoy how her body had changed since giving birth to Adi, so she lay on her back and let him have full reign of her body. She responded with sighs and moans and took delight in running her hands through his hair. She felt herself reaching the point of needing to respond to what her body was asking her. She took her hands and positioning them on his back pulled him up, so she could kiss him keeping his mouth busy. Then arching herself to him she let the feeling take its course and his responded in kind.

Francis gave a moan deep in his throat as Mary's body asked his to move in rhythm with hers. The moment she drew closer to him her met her in the middle and she gave an intake of breath as if it was their first time. He smiled proud of the fact he could still evoke the feeling of newness from his wife. He gave one more push before drawing back and collapsing beside her on his stomach his arm draped over her stomach. They lay there with their eyes closed breathing heavily from their lovemaking. "I could spend the rest of my day with you, you know." he said. Mary kissed his hand and sighed. "I know love. We must do our duties today, but tonight..." she drew her fingers across his back lightly and he sighed blissfully. She turned her face to his and kissed him one last time before rising from the bed to get ready to face the day.

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