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Greer found Leith as he exited the sheriff office and handed the message to him. "I was wondering if we could just spend the night here. Perhaps in the quarters you use when you have to stay here?" He opened the message, read it quickly then stuffing it in his pocket he turned to her. "I think that is a splendid idea." He took her hand and they walked to his chambers.

Leith cleaned up best he could while Greer sent for some tea. He figured Bash might take some time off for Kenna's sake so he prepared to have a lot more work on his shoulders. He wiped his face with a towel and tossing it aside and made his way into the sitting room in a fresh shirt and pants. Greer was making their tea and she motioned him over to sit on the sofa.

Greer put a few drops of the concoction Mary had given her in her and Leith's tea. She wasn't sure which one was the reason there was no baby so she wanted to be sure. She handed Leith his tea when he sat down and then she sat across from him. "So Mary gave me something she thought might help us." She said wasting no time in going straight for the point. Leith stopped sipping his tea and raised an eyebrow. "And what might that be?" He asked setting his teacup and saucer down. Greer lowered her lashes and felt her brow dampen with sweat. She hoped he wouldn't be angry with her for telling Mary. "I may have mentioned that we've been trying for a baby and nothing has happened." She said softly her eyes still lowered. She heard rustling and then saw Leith's face as he lowered to her eyesight. "Hey now you have nothing to be worried about. I want one as much as you do so if this does help then I'm glad you told her. She is our queen and your best friend." He said softly stroking her cheek. Greer felt her spirits rise and leaned forward to kiss him. He met her in the middle so she was sitting up and he was on his knees. He broke the kiss and touched his forehead to hers. She closed her eyes and felt her nerve endings tingle. Maybe that concoction was starting to work.

Leith felt himself grow a little confident as his nerve endings tingled and his heart beat a little faster. He wasn't even going to think negatively. Standing up and lifted Greer to her feet and turning her around he unlaced her outer corset and slipped her shirtwaist off revealing the top of her silk shift. He placed a kiss between her breasts and heard her heart speed up a little as he trailed kisses up her chest to her neck. Finally she wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted her head to give him better access to the place right behind her jawline. He used the senses in his fingertips to remove her skirt as he continued to kiss her. As he trailed kisses down her jawline and to her mouth she turned so her lips met his and her kiss made him will his fingers to move faster.

Greer prayed Mary's concoction would work as she kissed her husband and he kissed her. She deepened her kisses and started undressing him as he finished removing her skirt. It fell to the floor with a soft whoosh of air and she stepped out of it. She felt herself being pushed back towards the bedroom and exclaimed as Leith suddenly picked her up and sat her on the bed. He finished removing his clothes and then crawled towards her as she began to lay back on the bed. He kissed her again and then slid his hand underneath her shift. Greer took a deep breath through her nose and wrapping her arms around his neck she returned his kisses as he moved both hands to slid her shift up and out of the way. She felt him touch her and she shivered and sighed turning her head slightly so he kissed her neck. She slid herself down and couldn't help but twitch a little as the movement cause his hand to slide against her sensitive spot. She relaxed herself as he straddled her hips. Then she moved his chin and making eye contact she smiled and kissed his lips.

Leith continued his ministrations until she readied herself. He loved how she made him feel like this was his first time all the time. There was no routine to it. It always felt new and it made him love her more. He felt her slightly brush against him as she slid down some more after he straddled her hips. He felt his body preparing himself and then she made eye contact and smiling she kissed him full on the mouth. He closed his eyes and felt himself lower to her and then he heard them both moan in unison as their kiss broke and she raised up. He felt her nails in his back which just made him go at it harder. She cried out his name as he felt her spread out wider allowing him better access. He pushed again and felt himself release and she gave a groan as she no doubt reached her peak.

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