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Francis watched the clock and after a few more conversations he bid the others goodnight and took no time making his way to his chambers. He opened the doors and saw Mary leaning over the crib talking to their son. He smiled and closing the door behind him he walked over to them smiling down at his son and wrapping his arm around Mary's waist. She leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed. No words were needed. A few minutes passed and soon both were in their bed holding each other close.

The next morning Kenna, Lola and Greer met for breakfast in Kenna's chambers. Alexander was carefully watching Nathaniel and it was the cutest thing to watch. "I can't wait for my little one. It's going to be interesting." Greer said placing a hand on her protruding stomach. "They do change your life but all for the better." Lola said. Kenna brushed her hand over Alexander's dark locks. "I wouldn't change a thing." All three friends looked at each other and smiled remembering all their childhood dreams they would share with each other when they were young. How things had changed. All this and much more was their entire discussion over breakfast.

Francis stirred as light shone through the window of the room. He blinked a few times and when he went to stretch he realized where he was and then felt Mary brush against him. He turned over and watched Mary as she stirred. How he'd missed holding her, the feel of her against him fitting like they were made for each other. He lifted his head and saw baby Phillip sleeping soundly remnants of an early morning meal still on his mouth. No wonder Mary was still sleeping. He placed a kiss on her forehead and caressed her cheek. She mumbled something and leaned into his touch. "I do love you Mary, Queen of Scots." he whispered against her hair. He heard the baby start to whimper so he slipped out of the covers carefully, put on his robe so not to catch a chill and tiptoed over to the crib, carefully lifting baby Phillip out of the crib. He stirred slightly, but Francis cradled him close and rocked him gently. Then so as not to wake Mary till she needed to be he slipped outside the chambers and made his way a few feet to the nursery. There Adelaide was just stirring so he sat down in one of the rockers and watched his eldest finish waking while his little prince followed suit a few minutes later.

Mary opened her eyes and stretched long and hard. Then she sat up and realized Francis wasn't in bed anymore. She also realized Phillip hadn't woken for a few hours since his last feeding by how full her breasts felt. Glancing over at the crib she saw Phillip was gone so putting two and two together she dressed and headed for the nursery. When she arrived at the door she heard Francis talking softly and just poked her head in to watch. He was holding Phillip who was watching his father as he told Adelaide a story about him as a child. Mary was surprised Phillip wasn't wanting to eat yet. She smiled happy there were times when they could just be a little family at least inside the castle walls. She walked into the nursery and Adelaide gasped hopping off Francis' lap running to Mary. "Hello little one." Mary scooped her up and hugged her tight before setting her down and walking over to where Francis had stood up. Phillip heard his mother's voice and began to cry so Mary took him and gave Francis a kiss. "I missed waking up to you this morning." she whispered before turning and walking out of the nursery.

Greer and Kenna had gone for a chilly, but refreshing stroll on the castle grounds after breakfast. Lola had seen to baby Nathaniel and said she would meet them later. They passed the stables and the gardens as they talked of rumors in court and the condition the Queen was in and what the future might hold for all of them. Before Lola had a chance to join them a servant greeted them and said Mary requested their presence for tea in her chambers. Greer and Kenna grew excited to meet the new prince.

Mary hugged all her friends when they met her in her chambers so glad to finally see her girls again. "I feel like it's been so long since I've seen you!" Mary said excitedly. "And Greer I'm so happy for you!" She added stepping back and looking at her friend's protruding stomach. "Thank you Mary. And is this the little one?" She said walking past Mary to Phillip's crib. "Yes it is." Mary gave Kenna an extra hug knowing it must still be hard for her with the miscarriage and all. Kenna smiled encouragingly and the both walked over to the crib. Greer had picked up Phillip who was still sleeping soundly and cradled him in her arms. "He's so precious." Kenna said caressing his little head. "You'll be a fine mother Greer." She said. "And to think we'll all be mothers than." They all turned and saw Lola had entered smiling at the scene she witnessed. "Come here." Mary said and all four girls embraced one another again. "Now for tea." Mary said breaking the reminiscent mood. Greer placed Phillip back down in the crib and then joined the others on the window seat and couches for tea and conversation.

Two weeks later Mary was finally feeling back to normal albeit Phillip still woke up throughout the night so he was still sleeping in the crib in their chambers. It didn't bother either parent one bit though. Mary loved watching Francis fuss over their son and how he still found time to give attention to Adelaide she didn't know but she was glad. The day of the name announcing and accompanying feast and ball celebrating Phillip's birth had come and Mary was planning on celebrating very much today. Her body being back to normal was one and the joy of her son the other. Greer and Leith were planning on sticking around till after Christmas especially since the roads could be even more dangerous in the winter weather. So Mary was taking in all the time she could with her friend. After feeding Phillip she placed him in his crib and had her ladies maids help her get dressed for her first appearance in court since Phillips birth. She and Francis were going to hear pleas and requests from their people then spend some time smoothing over any complaints any nobles had. Once she was ready she took Phillip to the nursery and then headed toward the Great Hall.

Francis saw Mary making her way to meet him in the Great Hall. She looked so beautiful and seemed to glide across the floor. He'd missed having her by his side these past months. He walked up to her and taking her hand pulled her into a small alcove. "Good morning to you too." She said before he captured her lips with his. She returned his kiss her hands sliding up his chest to wrap around his neck. He lifted his head and smiled down on his wife. "There's more where that came from." He said huskily before leading her out of the alcove and into the Great Hall. He straightened himself and after kissing Mary's hand they both sat down in their thrones and Francis waved to the guard to open the door. In flooded commoner and even gentlemen and gentlewomen lining up to plead their case before the King and Queen.

Bash had left Francis to his courtly duties after they'd discussed the new trade routes they would establish through arranged marriages between Francis' siblings and children. He found Kenna in their chambers, working on ordering more fabric for dresses while Alexander played on the floor. "Care to join me for a ride?" he asked poking his head in the room. Kenna glanced up and smiled tilting her head a little. "Isn't it cold outside?" Bash stepped in the doorway further leaning against the door frame. "I'm sure if you dress warm enough you'll be fine. There are other ways to keep warm as well." he replied raising an eyebrow and smirking at his wife. "I'm sure there are." she replied. She stood and picked Alexander up off the rug carrying him over to his father. "Why don't you take your son to the nursery while I get ready." she suggested handing the wriggling toddler to Bash. Bash lifted Alexander into the air getting a giggle out of the boy before he tucked him close and kissed his chubby cheek. "As you wish." he said before kissing her soundly. "Save that for later." was all he said as he left the room.

Greer had received a note from Mary asking her if she wanted to spend some time with the children in the nursery while she and Francis were busy at court. Greer had nothing better to do at the moment so she'd left Leith to his book-keeping and made her way to the nursery. When she arrived she saw Bash handing Alexander to one of the nannies and giving her some instructions before addressing Greer. "Hello Greer, how nice to see you here again." he said passing her in the doorway. "And lovely to see you looking so happy Bash." she replied. He smiled at her before nodding his head. "Shall Kenna and I see you at the ball tonight?" Greer nodded stepping further into the nursery. "Tonight then milady." he said before continuing his walk from the nursery. Greer found Adelaide playing with her cousin Alexander and Phillip and Nathaniel were being held by two of the nursemaids, Rosemarie and Nicolette. "Is there anything you ladies need? I'm not too busy and wanted to spend some time with the little royals." The two women shook their heads and Martha, the main nanny in the nursery looked up from her task. "We're fine Lady Greer, but happy for the company. Tell me how far along are you?" she asked then chuckled when Greer looked surprised. "I've been 'round babies and pregnant 'omen all me life milady. I know a expectant mother when I see one." So then Greer found herself talking most of the afternoon with Martha and the others finding herself much more knowledgeable than most noble women and better for it. Not to mention she quite enjoyed the conversation much to her surprise.

If onlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora