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A week later Kenna was visiting the kitchen when her stomach suddenly betrayed her, and she ran out the servant's entrance before her breakfast ended up on the floor. She began to put the pieces together as she made her way back to her chambers. Perhaps she didn't require Mary's advice. Mayhap she'd conceived their first night together. She sat down at her small vanity and found a piece of paper and began adding everything up and calculating her monthly occurrence. She would wait to be sure, but all the signs were there. She was carrying Bash's childlike she had planned. Now that it was happening, and Bash was still hiding she was sure she would wait before telling anyone. It wasn't as if she was carrying the future Kings child. She hoped she could keep it quiet for the next few weeks would determine the fate of her and her child.

1 Month Later

Catherine was still a little miffed that she had missed the signs of Mary's pregnancy. They had announced the news at a banquet that was held during the festivities of Queen for a day. She could admit that it concreted their future as rulers now that Mary was proven to bear children. The Kings growing madness was proving to be an obstacle and he was growing more insistent that Mary take the throne of England now that the Queen was dead. Francis had even had the audacity to welcome his brother back to court as his right-hand man. She was worried that it would give more fuel for the fire of revolt that was starting to spark in some towns. She felt as though her control of things were slipping from her grasp and it was making her mad with worry. She made her way to the great hall to talk to Francis. He was working with Bash to get ahead of the rebellion or be prepared if worst came to worst. She needed to know all that he knew, or she feared she would go mad.

Mary smoothed the front of her casual blue gown as she studied her ever changing body in the mirror. Now that everyone knew she didn't bother hiding anything and her bump was a bit more pronounced in this gown. She knew Francis would be please and it would to her good to see him be a happy and proud father-to-be. She was just about to leave her chambers to go for a walk in the courtyard when Kenna and Greer entered her room. Greer had been entertaining her suitor who was the kitchen boy Leith turned noble when Bash made him his right-hand man after Francis made Bash his. Kenna on the other hand had made things official when Bash was welcomed back, and they were newly engaged, but not newly together. Granted Henry was a bit miffed, but he'd found another plaything and seemed satisfied at present. Thankfully Bash and Francis' reunion wasn't as tense as she thought it would be and after smoothing things over with Henry and the nobles Bash was settling in nicely. "Kenna, Greer to what do I owe this pleasure?" Mary said walking towards them away from the mirror. "First I must say how lovely you look in that dress." Greer said. "Yes, positively glowing as some might say." Kenna added a curious sparkle in her eye. Mary grew curious and studied Kenna a bit more. "We just wanted to give you the good news before anyone else." Greer continued. "Leith has asked for my hand and..." Greer paused looking at Kenna. "Let's just say I took your advice those few weeks ago and your little one will have a cousin to run around with. I waited to be sure, but it's been a month. I'm pregnant." Mary gasped and then embraced Kenna and then Greer. "Congratulations to you Greer and dear Kenna things have worked out so much better for you." Kenna nodded. "Yes, I'm glad he returned to court because he wanted too though." Mary felt her heart constrict with the feelings of joy and belonging. She embraced both of her friends again. "Oh, I'm so glad you're with me. Now we must tell Lola." Greer and Kenna laughed at their Queen's giddiness. "Yes let's. I believe she's out in the garden talking to a Lord Julien." Kenna said. They all left Mary's chambers arm in arm and smiling like school girls.

Francis slid his gaze over the map of the surrounding provinces. He and Bash were drawing closer to finding out the main source of the rumors and the ones leading the rebellion. They hoped once they dealt with them they could focus on the main source...Henry's madness. "I've learned from my last patrol that the town near Calais seems to be growing." Bash said. Francis clasped his hands behind his back. "That does seem a logical place to start a revolt. I'm sure there are still those loyal to England that are still sore since the Siege." Bash nodded. "Anyone who would want to join from other towns would gather there. Its importance as the port would give them an advantage. Ships from England carrying soldiers could make port there." He placed his hands on the table overlooking the map. "Could this be part of some English plot as a last-ditch effort?" Francis moved to stand by the fireplace contemplating Bash's words. "They could be trying to keep us busy here while they up their efforts in Scotland." Francis pursed his lips and nodded. "Then we must send scouts to Scotland and assess the situation there. If we try to put down the rebellion near Calais using most of our men, then we won't have enough to keep Scotland." Bash nodded back and turned to send out the troops.

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