" Don't do that. You'll hurt yourself." a croaky and guttural voice said. 

She blinked a few times to clear her vision. A tall, swarthy man wearing a loose fitted shirt and rugged jeans leered at her. His hair was electric blue and hung on one side of his face.

" Seriously?" Riva attempted to stand. Locked in a room away from everyone, with a shady man- someone had set her up. 

" You can shriek all you want." The man told her, " But no one will come, you see. I can make it as painful as I want, but if you cooperate, I'll make you feel good."

" You're fucking delusional." Riva concluded, " Who sent you here?"

The man was ignored her response and his eyes traveled down her body suggestively. 

" The door outside is locked. I don't mind forcing a woman. You're all here to please a man anyways. Doesn't matter whether you want it or not."

" And now you're getting on my nerves." Riva growled, wiping away some of the blood on her forehead. Her day seems to be getting worse by the minute.

" Are you so scared that you've lost your mind?" The man wondered closing the distance between them.  His dirty little hands stroked her bloodied forehead. 

" Scared?" Riva sneered internally gagging at the scent of his cheap perfume. 

She belonged to the bloodline of dauntless kings who waged war and conquered lands. Her ancestors knew nothing but fearlessness. Someone as disgusting and crude as him didn't even deserve to breath the same air as her.

" I have a feeling you're going to be fun-" The man tried to grab her hand. Riva dodged him and punched his horrible nose. He staggered back and clutched his bloody nose, wailing swear words and cusses. 

" You're going to pay for this -" He shouted angrily.

Something shifted in her. Her heart became cold and she felt the same intent to kill she felt on the night of the attack. Her hands trembled in fury and contempt. She grabbed one of the chairs next to her and swung it at the repulsive man forcefully. The chair was made of thin metal and it screeched and clacked as it hit his flesh.

The man cried in pain and fell to the ground. Riva threw the chair and tucked the hem of her sari's drape. Her brain had gotten numb and all she knew was that she wanted this human scum to suffer and writhe in pain.

She kicked his pelvis again and again, ignoring his cries for mercy. She couldn't stop venting her anger and wrath until he passed out and laid on the ground like a broken doll. Blood trickled from his nose and splotched his yellow shirt. 

Riva stepped back and looked at him scornfully. She had gone too far but it was to protect herself. Someone wanted to stain her reputation, and they used the crudest way possible. She wiped away the sweat on her brows and  panted slightly due to her exhaustion.

She still couldn't be caught with this man.If she got into trouble for beating up a student, no matter how she pleaded her innocence, everyone would point fingers at her. It's the curse of being a woman. 

She had to deal with him.  

She looked around the classroom and found cable ties in the cupboard. Realising that the man would probably wake up soon, she tied his huge meaty hands and legs in multiple cable ties, hoping it would hurt like hell. 

She dragged him towards the professor's table and hid him under it. As useless as he was, he weighted a lot. And the goddamn sari was her nemesis. She wasn't going to wear one for the next three years, no matter what. 

She stuffed a dirty rag into his trash like mouth (she found it fallen on the floor) She just needed to leave the room now. Her head hurt and the blood was caked on her forehead. The wound must be checked or it may get infected. 

Her skin was hot and itchy. She hadn't done so much exertion in her life and the adrenaline had started to wear off. Her body was weary and limp now. But she was okay with it. She had saved her honour. 

She was glad Zorawar Bhai taught her how to fight and defend herself. Or else what would she be? Disgraced as a woman and tainted as a princess. Her father would be ashamed and humiliated for the rest of his life. 

" Why is this room spinning?" Riva mumbled, clutching her head. She needed to call for help. But her thoughts couldn't stop jumping in her head and the fucking ground wouldn't stay still. Her knees wobbled and she felt the overwhelming urge to vomit.

She was tired now.

She didn't have the will to stand on her feet anymore. 

Riva closed her eyes and hoped the ground would hurt less when she falls this time.

Something banged open and the most beautiful voice she had ever heard shrieked," Rivannah!!" 

Author Rant :

Daunting day for Rivannah...

Who do you think became her knight in shining armour?

 Well there's not much to do, since our heroine turned the villain to pulp already ;)

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