22. Dracarys

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''Sexy!" Lena declared leaning back. ''Damn im good!"

''You are good.'' Aemond agreed kissing her.

"I got a raven from the capital." Lena remarked. "Raven was promptly eaten." she added as she passed over the scroll. Aemond read it over and Lena looked into his eyes for a sign of regret but he chuckled passing it back to her.

"He can have the crown." Aemond assured. "I have the real treasure right here." He kissed her again and again until her lips were numb.  "Oh, ouch." Aemond whispered letting his arm drop to his side.

"Tender for a bit," Lena reminded him.

"I gathered." Aemond agreed pulling her closer with his opposite hand.

"Let me take care of you." Lena whispered a hand trailing over his jaw.


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"Thats the largest locust I have ever seen." Ellie declared crouching before it.

"It's the size of a large cat." Helaena agreed. She brought a vial to his mouth and caught the substance dripping from his mouth. She held it up to the light. "Thats strange." Helaena remarked showing Ellie.

"And here I thought things were going back to normal." Ellie mused. "Best bring him inside."

"I had a thought for your aquatic problem." Aemond remarked as they left the lab.

"Oh?" Lena questioned leaning into him her hand wrapped in his.

"Vhagar." Aemond answered.

"Your dragon?" Lena countered confused.

"The aquatics are a problem, you dont enjoy them, they only cause issues when the island floods." Aemond clarified.

"That's right." Lena agreed.

"What if Vhagar burned them?"

Lena hesitated. They were all her creatures but they the aquatics were shits. They didnt listen and they only destroyed. But sending a dragon to burn the waters, kill the dinosaurs. It was a smart idea. less problems in the long run if it worked.

"What if Vhagar goes after my babies, my raptors or-" Lena countered.

"She listens well." Aemond assured. "Better than most of yours." he added as she nudged him with her hip. "I could get word back to the capital and send her this way."

"Your dragons really are well trained." Lena remarked.

"What do you think?"

"Would she stay? We have a cave!" Lena recalled. "It's to high up, top peak." She remembered leading him through the courtyard. "Maybe Vhagar could fit."

"She is really large." Aemond remarked.

"We can take a trek up in the morning." Lena offered. "We will take the bike and some food and make a day of it." She suggested.

"I like that." Aemond agreed.


When they got up in the morning Lena packed a bag and they headed out with the sunrise. They had to dodge a few temperamental dinos on the way. It was the opposite side of the island.

"Did they forget they like us?" Aemond questioned as he leaned into Lena as she rode.

"A moon of peace is longer than usual." Lena informed him honestly. "They are back to I'm the a pex predator, roar." Lena laughed out. "ALFIE!" She shouted back as they passed. "WOULD YOU AND TOM GIVE IT A BREAK. KISS AND MAKE UP!"

"One of these days I'm going to know the dinosaurs as well as you." Aemond remarked.

"You can tell the raptors apart." Lena remarked.

"yeah when they are standing in line for food during training." Aemond agreed.

"Blue!" Lena whistled out.

"I hate when you do that. I get deja vu." Aemond murmured. He watched as the raptors ran along side them.

"Go on, show off your skills." Lena instructed as the bike moved along the uneven ground. The raptors ran around them happily.

"Blue is blue." Aemond remarked pointing her out.

"Good boy, you know your colors." Lena teased as she made a sharp turn and he gripped tighter to her waist.

"Delta... Charlie..." Aemond pointed them out, "I don't know I get those two mixed up." Aemond remarked.

"Delta." Lena held out a hand she jumped up tapping Lena's hand with her nose.

"That's still cool and terrifying." Aemond informed her honestly.

"Worried about my hand?" Lena whispered wiping her hand on his thigh.

"Worried about all of you all the damn time." Aemond agreed. "I like having a hand on you, makes me more certain you are not off riding Quazie through the sky." Lena chuckled as she stopped the bike.

"We hike from here." She remarked.

"And Echo is... moody." Aemond said as Echo started gnawing on the base of a tree.

"Weirdo." Lena agreed looking to Echo. "Check the cave." Lena instructed snapping her fingers as she locked eyes with Blue and pointed a finger up.

Their hike was hard and more of a climb than a hike as Lena was dangling from the mountain side at one point before finding her footing but as she got up to the caves landing she stared into the cave. Blue ran out with a little yip before heading back down.

"Thanks gorgeous!" Lena declared as she helped Aemond up. 'I think she said it's all clear and that yip wasnt an oh fuck run yip." Aemond stared back at her a moment longer before kissing her.

"This will definitely be big enough." Aemond remarked as Lena lite a torch.

"You promise she won't hurt my babies." Lena asked again.

"Not unless provoked." Aemond countered.

"Fair enough." Lena agreed. "Call her." Lena agreed.

"Well... predator x and mini are now named Jace and Luke..." Lena remarked.

"If Vhagar doesnt kill them." Aemond added.

"Right right." lena agreed. That left out Viserys, Alicent and Criston was well for possible aquatic massacre if Aemonds plan worked.

"The black mamba, Rhaenyra-"

"Spotted a little nest. Killed them too." Owen remarked.

"Rex and Sue having babies anytime soon?" Alan asked.

"Doubtful." lena remarked. "Well, my system is flawed and maybe Aegon gets a rex named after him down the line." Lena declared satisfied. "Im starving and thirsty. Living is thirsty work. We have any blood of the martells left?" Lena mused as she headed to the winery.

Lena didnt think Aemond could get any sexier but as he climbed up on Vhagar and he flew over the water she swore that was the sexiest thing she had ever seen.

Aemond smiled back at her as she watched from the newly repaired treehouse leaning over the edge to see him better. Lena and Aemond had created a whistle while they waited for Vhagar to get here. They molded metals together so when you blew into it, it created a similar and eerie whistle like Caraxes had. Aemond blew the whistle and watched as shadows appeared under the water coming closer and closer to the surface before he yelled out...


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