18. Stay or Go

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"BLUE!" Lena shouted pulling open the hatch. The water would have drained for all the dinosaurs containments and opened automatically by now letting them roam but she didnt see Blue and she usually came running if Lena called.

The compound was blocked off a bit, but with the flooding all the barricades keeping the compound from the dinosaurs were laying flat on the ground.

"BLUE!" Lena shouted spinning around but then a dinosaur jumped on her pinning her to the ground under her claws.


"Mother!" Helaena declared as Alicent hugged her tight.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. We never should have come, are you alright?" Alicent rattled off questions as Helaena peered past her seeing Daemon and Aemond.

"Where is... everyone?" Helaena asked slowly.

"Dead." alicent informed her. "We are leaving. We are never coming back and-" Helaena took a step back.

"Mother I want to study insects." Helaena declared but Alicent was already shaking her head.

"No, we are going home." Alicent corrected.

"Can I study insects at home?" Helaena countered.

"Helaena." Alicent whined out.

"Aegon is dead." Helaena realized.

"Aegon, your father, Rhaenyra and her boys, all gone." Alicent agreed. "Can we leave?"

"Cleared up," ellie remarked. "But I wouldnt recommend it."

"We are leaving!" Alicent shouted.

"This has been enlightening." Daemon countered.

"What in seven hells happened?" Criston demanded looking around. "Where is the king? Where are-"

"DEAD!" ALicent shouted hugging him tight. 

"Oh my goodness!" Helaena declared kneeling before Baelon the newest dino. "He's so cute."

"Stay away from that thing!" Alicent corrected. "It got your brother killed."

"Rex ate him. Baelon..." Owen hesitated.

"Lena said I could name him." Daemon remarked and Aemond stared back at him. "We had some good bonding while you were shivering in terror."

"I'm sure." Aemond hissed.

"Well, Baelon isnt a T-rex." Owen went on. "He is a- yep not important." Owen remarked nodding as he took a step back.

"We are leaving, all of us and we will forget about Jurassic Island and try to move on." Alicent begged. "Aemond will be king." Alicent declared hopefully.

"I dont want it." Aemond corrected. "I want to stay."

"No, no, just no." Alicent corrected.

"I'm not a child mother." Aemond corrected.

"I am your mother. I say no." Alicent corrected.

"Could I stay too?" Helaena asked as Baelon bumped his little head into her.

"NO! NO! What part of we are leaving did you not hear?" Alicent shouted.

"I agree with your mother.' Criston added. "Wait Aegon got eaten?"  


"Damnit baby, you scared me!" Lena declared as Blue jumped off bowing before her. Lena hugged her tight. "Are you alright? Boss everyone around for me?" Lena mused holding Blue's large head in her hands. "Nasty one last night, where is your crew?" Lena turned around glancing back as Charlie, Delta and Echo came up.

Untouchable // Daemon Targaryen// Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now