19. I'm Sorry... You're Welcome?

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''Did you say it?" Lena questioned owen groaned slapping a hand to his head. ''You survived night two on Jurassic island. Congratulations!" Lena declared.

''We are leaving.'' Alicent demanded as Aemond ate contently

"I'm staying." Aemond corrected.

"Me too!" Helaena declared happily. "Oh you didnt see it, all the insects and little crawling creatures that come out after a flood. Mother it is so beautiful!"

"No." Alicent corrected.

"Fun family bonding, what was in that food?" Criston begged and Lena chuckled.

"Blood of your ancestors not sitting well with you?" Lena mused.

"LENA!" Owen demanded.

"They are more than welcome to stay." Lena countered pouring fresh maple syrup on her French toast before piling on blueberries.

"You got us killed!" Alicent shouted slamming a hand down on the table. Criston was very confused. He missed so much, he missed the floods, he missed the attacks, he was grateful but he felt like a shit guard. A shit sworn sword sleeping the day away nauseous while the royal family was massacred but he couldnt really fend off a dinosaur.

"I kept my guy and a baby dino alive, how many times must I remind you?" Lena murmured into her food. "Pass the juice." Lena requested holding out a hand.

"The queen has went through a traumatic few days, I'm sure-" Alan began.

"Traumatic?" Alicent spat back. "You, you fucking people."

"Didnt ask you to come that was your husbands idea, if I heard correctly." Lena countered.

"My dead husband." Alicent agreed. Lena stared back at her.

"I'm sorry, you're welcome... I'm getting mixed signals from you." Lena mused as Alicent groaned out.

It was true she didnt love viserys, she didnt really like Aegon. But she didnt want her first born son to get eaten by a dinosaur. She didnt want Viserys to get eaten by another dinosaur. She didnt want Rhaenyra to be bitten by a toxin snake or her sons attacked in the vents by a creature so deadly they didnt even name it properly. Predator fucking X.

"We are leaving as soon as its safe." Alicent hissed.

"Mother no." Helaena corrected.

"You have been awfully quiet Prince Daemon, are you well?" Alan asked curiously.

"This place is beautiful." Daemon agreed. "Lena was going to do me today." Lena choked on her juice. "Ink, remember gorgeous?"

"Yes." Lena choked out as she wiped at the juice running down her chin. Aemond's hand moved to her arm. "You want one too?"

"Fuck yeah." Aemond agreed.


Daemon removed his shirt and lay on his stomach as Lena began. Aemond's hand ran along her back his breath on her neck as she worked. She showed him what she used, how she created the contraption and then the first needle pinched into Daemon's skin. He tensed at the touch.

"So the needle punctures the skin." Lena went on. "The ink bleeds in and wala."

"Wala." Aemond repeated. Lena trailed along Daemon's back, slowly and carefully as she inked and stabbed into his skin.

"Do be brave Daemon. I know thats a stretch for you." Aemond mused.

"So Lena, what are the odds of making it off this island alive?" Daemon countered.


"Oh, look at this one, and this one!" Helaena was having so much fun. She was running around with Ellie finding new insects and creatures that came out in the rain.

"Oh and this one!" Helaena declared. "This is so beautiful, can I stay forever?"

"You are a brave young women princess." Ellie remarked.

"I'm not." Helaena corrected as she held up the caterpillar on her hand.

"That's Absolem." Ellie informed her.

"He is blue." Helaena remarked as he crawled his way up her arm.

"I think you are brave. Most people would have fled. Or at least be hiding like the queen." Ellie remarked.

"I didnt have a say, i didnt get to choose my life, my path back home. I was married off and my passions were pushed to the side. If I stayed... I would live my life however long or short that might be." Helaena added. "But I would live. I want to live and learn. I can't do that back home."

"I would love a fellow explorer." Ellie agreed. "We would have so much fun, I know it" Ellie declared.


"A boat is being brought up." ALan said again. "Everything goes into lockdown for floods you see, so it's taking them a bit."

"That's why our boats were taken when we got here?" Alicent remarked.

"Well you were supposed to be here for a week." Owen reminded her.

"We like to take precautions." Alan added.

"Obviously not well enough." Alicent hissed. She peered out at Helaena smiling down at the little blue bug crawling up her arm. "Are all the creatures deadly?" Owen followed her gaze.

"That's Absolem, he's harmless." Owen assured.

"Seems to always be high on the poppy though." Alan mused and Alicent glared back at him. "A joke." Alan said softly as he headed down the hall.

"I still dont think you should leave yet. Not until-"

"We are leaving." Alicent corrected. "Get the children Criston we are leaving.''


Lena wiped at Daemon's back as she drew back blood between her pin pricks.

"Onto the tail." Lena remarked. It had been hours and as much as Daemon liked Lena's hands on him he didnt want Aemond here crashing their time before he left.

Lena hopped up onto the table trapping Daemon's legs between her own as she lined up, making sure the dragons tail was straight as she moved down.

Daemon brought a hand back touching her thigh. Aemond saw his reach.

He knew that he didnt have a claim on Lena Grady but neither did Daemon. Aemond wanted to stay. Daemon just wanted a fuck. Aemond also didnt know if he would be able to stay.

He had wanted the crown, he had trained for it but coming here he didnt think that westeros and politics, playing the game until he died was what he wanted.

"Alright, I botched the tail a bit, a hand kept distracting me." Lena lied as she got down. "But you wont be able to see it so I'm sorry and you are welcome." Lena moved Daemon to the mirror and he glanced back.

" Lena moved Daemon to the mirror and he glanced back

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Untouchable // Daemon Targaryen// Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now