2. Alpha

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''You scared them.''

''I warned them.'' Lena countered. ''Big difference. Dont blame me when one of the princes wanders off and eats eaten!" Lena declared

''Big smiles.'' Clarie instructed. 'Thumbelena. Smiles.''

''Fuck off.'' Lena countered.

''Lena.'' Owen laughed out

''I dont know what her problem is? Im not the problem.'' Lena assured. ''She has an irrational crush on you. Im not a Targaryen im not fucking my brother.'' Lena reminded him.

''Lena!" Owen declared.

''As if its a secret?'' She countered. ''Big fucking smiles!'' Lena declared as they pushed open the door. 

"Hello beautiful people!" Lena exclaimed "so what you have here-" she pointed around the table and owen slapped a hand to his face. "-is seared and apricot glazed Tyrannosaurus rex thigh." Lena remarked "steamed veggies simmered in the amniotic fluid from a raptors last birth." Jace and lukes faces quickly turned to one of horror. "And the drink in your glass is the blood of the last family that thought visiting Jurassic Island would be a fun family adventure!" Lena declared excitedly. Her hands rooted on her hips as Aegon put his cup down. "Any questions? No. Enjoy!"

"Shes joking!" Owen declared. "No Dino meat or bodily fluids or blood of the Martells." Owen assured. ''Please enjoy.'' Jace hesitated as Daemon locked eyes with Lena as he drank his drink.

"What kind of wine is it?" Daemon questioned

"It's dornish." Lena reminded him smugly. Viserys looked to Owen but he didnt disagree. Daemon laughed out as he took another sip.

"Crispin, a toast to your fallen relatives." Daemon mused lifting his glass.

"Please do sit.'' Lena remarked guiding criston to the table. ''You are quite safe... here.'' She added innocently as she forced him to a chair. ''Enjoy!''

''Lena.'' Owen begged.

''Enjoy,'' she repeated smiling back dramatically at her brother.

"Do you know all the dinos you have here?" Luke asked as they all were assured again that Lena was a liar and the food was perfectly fine. It was delicious.

''All their names and species.'' Lena confirmed.

''Really?' Jace asked amazed.

''Yep. we have Ankylosaurus, Apatosaurus, Baryonyx, Dimorphodon, Gallimimus, Microceratus, Mosasaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Pteranodon, Stegosaurus, Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus..." she stared back at Owen as he chuckled "to name a few." Lena remarked softly, as she picked up her drink. 

From Lena's looks and attitude most would assume her a ditsy dirty blonde, that would be a good fuck. She was a good fuck, and liked to have her fun. 

But she was a nerd when it came it her dinosaurs. She read through all her parents journals and worked with their maesters, as she was currently trying to figure out how to create a new spices of dinosaur. 

It fascinated her, when she wasnt with the dinosaurs or tormenting visitors she was in the study or lab always learning. Owen admired that about his sister.

"Do you have a favorite?" Helaena asked intrigued

"Blue.'' Both Lena and Owen said simultaneously.

"Blue?" Viserys pondered.

"She is our Velociraptor.'' Lena remarked. ''Our baby we bonded with her when we were little. But make no mistake she likes to think shes in charge.''

''She is in charge.' Owen countered

Untouchable // Daemon Targaryen// Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now