16. Hand of the Queen, of Hell

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They climbed up the tree getting higher and higher. Owen searched the skies, he knew where the flyers liked to hang out but hadnt ever seen Quazie. Lena had informed him that Quazie was a temperamental dick but liked her most of the time. Looking around now, Owen wondered why they lived on this stupid island.

"What now?" Viserys questioned anxiously.

"Well..." Owen let out a shaky breath and he heard a screech through the sky. Viserys ducked down worried but predator X hit the bunker trying to get up from below and Viserys tumbled back. He reached out but with the wrong hand. His handless hand. Alicent watched in horror as Viserys fell into the water below.

Alicent clung to the tree as Aemond peered down. He saw his father paddling in the water.

"I'm alright!" Viserys declared.

"Dear Gods, get him up here." Alan demanded.

"How?" Owen countered. "What do you want me to do?"

"I dont know. But he is the king, something right?" Alan retorted.

"Could we swim back-" Viserys offered hopefully before he was eaten too. Aemond sucked in a breath as his mouth hung open gaping at the sight.

"He's dead isnt he?" Alicent murmured her eyes closed as she clung tight to the tree.

"Yep." Aemond agreed. "Family bonding at its finest." Aemond declared. "What is that?" Alicent opened one eye nervously.

"I thought you said you didnt have dragons!"  Alicent shouted.

"We have one flyer thats rather large." Owen remarked. "I have never seen him or met him... oh fuck."

"I really wish you would stop that!" Alicent whimpered out.

"Hells its Lena." Alan declared letting out a breath of relief.

"Your hero is here!" Lena declared waving a hand at them. "Come on, Quazie is injured and I'm covered in blood and would rather... hey what happened too..." Lena looked to Owen and held back at laugh. "And you were worried I would get them killed. I kept my guy alive." Lena informed them as Aemond climbed up. "And a baby dino. Win win!"

"Shut up Lee." Owen begged as he hugged her awkwardly as he got on Quazie.

"This is Quazie, hes a bit hurt because he went after- Clarie." Lena declared glancing back at Owen.

"Baby X got her I think."

"Oh, I liked Clarie." Lena teased.

"You are just pissed you didnt get to see her go." Owen corrected.

"You make me sound so vicious." Lena corrected with a chuckle as they flew. "Baby X, did you meet him?"

"No, Clarie did, she will tell you all about him when you join her in hell." Owen declared. 

"I'm going to queen of hell. You remember my friend Rebecca?" Lena mused. 

"The one with no filter? Yeah." Owen agreed. 

"We already decided that she is going to be my Hand of the queen of hell." Lena informed him seriously. 

"Of course you two decided that before her unfortunate death." Owen agreed. 

"Of course we did." Lena agreed. "Clarie can be a lackey. Deal with the hell hounds." Lena remarked. 

"I'm glad you are alright." Aemond whispered leaning into her.

"Me too, I mean I'm glad you are alright too." Lena told him as they got closer.

"That's a lot of blood Lee." Owen remarked.

"He went after Lizzie." Lena informed them. "While I was on him."

"Shit, what happened? How are you still-"

"Meg." Lena answered as they got to the roof. "Alright, thank you for flying Lena Quazie air, please fly again. Get in." Lena instructed immediately pulling the latch. Alicent slid right in, Aemond followed.

"I'm really glad-" Owen began.

"Save the emotional stuff for when we are inside." Lena suggested as they dropped down. Lena pulled the inner handle as she dropped dangling from it trying to close it on her own force. Aemond noticed her slight struggle.  Aemond stood under her holding onto her thighs keeping her up and giving her more friction and she couldnt stop the chuckle as she secured the latch and settled on his shoulders.

"So... busy day." Lena said sliding to her feet.

"You scared me." Owen declared hugging his sister to him.

"Im untouchable." Lena reminded with a wink.

"Lee," owen sighed into her.

"I was always going to come and save you." Lena assured as be kissed her forehead. "Just had a bit of a detour in the now nonexistent tree house."

"Nonexistent- no I dont want to know." Owen murmured.

"Probably for the best." Lena agreed. "How is Baelon?" Lena asked moving to the dino wrapped up in Daemons shirt on the ground.

"He looked cold." Daemon whispered when Lena chuckled.

"That's adorable." Lena assured.

"Where is Helaena?" Alicent demanded.

"Are you going to ask where your wife is?" Aemond mused and Daemon looked around the room. He honestly hadnt noticed.

"Where is viserys?" Daemon countered.

"Dead. Dead! They are all dead!" Alicent screamed out. "We are all going to die."

"I would say that is very likely." Lena agreed and owen scowled at her. "What? I got Daemon and a dino back safe you guys... whooo." Lena declared.

"Where is Helaena?" Alicent begged again.

"Ellie will have her. Keep her safe." Alan assured

''Like you were keeping us safe!" She spat back and Lena chuckled softly.

''Shes got you there.'' Lena agreed softly. Alicents lip quivered as she stared back at Lena. ''Don't worry.'' Lena said coming up to alicent. ''I'm here now and as long as you listen to me. I will make sure you get off this island in one piece.''

Untouchable // Daemon Targaryen// Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now