20. Learn and Love

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"Can I do you later?" Lena asked Aemond. "My arm hurts." Aemond chuckled nodding. 

"Damn Lena." Daemon declared. "How can I thank you? I was thinking more of the other night."

"Almost dying?" Lena mused. Daemon smiled back at her, a smile that said he knew he was charming and handsome and sexy and knew the world wanted him. "Might want to sleep on your stomach for the next few nights." Lena said clearing her throat. 

"Who said anything about sleep?" Daemon countered smugly. 

"I have to make a few more smoke bombs." Lena whispered. "I will see you boys later." She suggested as she headed to the lab. She started to close the door when she felt a hand pushing it open. Aemond stared down at her. 

"Are you leaving today?" Lena rasped. Aemond didnt want to. He didnt want to leave and didnt want to answer that and make himself a liar if he was forced to leave. He pulled the door closed behind him before pulling her to him. 

His lips ravaged hers, instead of an answer. Her hands tangled in his hair as he lifted her up to him, his lips never once leaving hers. The immediate response of her body was not lost on her. Her heart pounded in her chest and breath was of little consequence as he kissed her.  

 He bit her lip and she bit him back wrapping her hands through his hair, he walked her to the table and sat her down. Her chest heaved into his with every breathless touch. He nipped at her neck pulling at her shirt as she tore at his. He brought his lips up to her breasts peak and sucked. She cried out his name, pushing more of her breast into his mouth. He loosened his grip on her hips as her legs tightened around him.

"Aemond." She whispered running a hand through her hair as her chest heaved up and down. She was struggling to draw air into her lungs. Or maybe she was just so aroused that she needed a moment to collect herself. 

He didnt have the same need for breath as his mouth moved back to her pulling her closer, she felt him throbbing against her, straining his pants as she clung to his naked shoulders.

"I want to stay here forever." He whispered as he claimed her lips again and her mind turned to mush. she clung to him, savoring the smell of his hard body against hers. She ground her core against his dick, willing him to take the next move, but he seemed content to just kiss her.

"I want you to stay forever." Lena agreed. 


"Where is Aemond? We are- Aemond, thank the Gods I thought the worst." Alicent spat. 

"Mother I'm not-" Aemond began.

"Only 11 days." Helaena went on as she talked with Ellie. 

"yes, its a beautiful process. I protect them, I find the little eggs, on the leaves and help them grow safety then I release them and hope for the best." 

"I want to see a full transformation do you think-" Helaena began.

"I was hoping for more." Daemon mused as the boat was brought forward.

"More? You want a closer encounter with one of the dinosaurs?" Lena teased. 

"This Dinosaur." Daemon corrected. 

"Come on Helaena, Aemond, we are leaving." Alicent demanded. 

"I already called for my ride." Daemon countered. 

"I guess this is goodbye." Lena whispered. Aemond stared back at her. 

"Mother I'm not leaving." Aemond declared. 

"I'm staying too!" HElaena begged. 

"No, no, no we are going home." Alicent demanded. 

"Listen to your mother." Criston agreed. 

"You my boy," Alicent came up to Aemond. "You are the next king of the seven kingdoms."

"I dont want a kingdom, I dont want seven kingdoms." Aemond countered and Daemon rose a curious brow. "I don't want it, I want to stay here and learn and love Lena." 

"No." Alicent repeated. 

"No." Aemond countered. 

"Who is in charge here?" Alicent retorted. 

"You said I'm to be king, then I am. If we go back home, I'm named king. I will come right back here." Aemond informed her. 

"After everything, after everything we lost, your brother, your father... you want to stay?" Alicent couldnt fathom it.

"I do." Aemond agreed. 

"Don't worry, the seven kingdoms will be fine. I will be king!" Daemon declared. "About fucking damn time." He murmured. 


"Mother, I wont ever meet anyone that loves insects as much as I, I wont be able to learn so much ever again." Helaena countered. 

"My children." Alicent muttered. She hugged them tight. "I hope you understand what this means." Alicent reminded them. 

"We do." They agreed. Alicent huffed out a breath as Caraxes was spotted flying over head, he whistled out as he got closer. 

"My baby, what do you say Lena what to go for a ride?"

Untouchable // Daemon Targaryen// Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now