13. Kiss Me Instead

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Rhaenyra was dead. Jace and Luke stared down at their mother.

"This is a nightmare." Clarie muttered. "The royal family comes and they are eaten and killed by our most deadly creatures. this is great and I can't even blame Thumbelena."

"Shut up Claire." Alan instructed.

"Everyone just stay calm." Claire offered.

"Calm!" Jace shouted. "My mother... my mother..." Luke clung to Jace terrified.

''Now can we leave?" Alicent begged.

''Cant leave.'' Owen corrected. ''Im sorry. I really am about... both of them.''

''We need to leave.'' Viserys agreed staring down at Rhaenyra.

''Im sorry your grace.'' Owen remarked. ''I truly am. But-"

''No. I am leaving. I am leaving.'' Alicent declared. "Aemond we are getting Helaena and we are leaving right now."

''Your grace I cant allow that.'' Owen countered blocking her way.

''I cant stay with Rhaenyras rotting corpse!" Alicent declared.

''Its pouring rain. We are in a bunker we open that door and its flooding and then that water and any creatures in the water come in here.'' Owen offered gently but firmly. There was the top hatch through the tree but even if they got up where would they go? If it was flooding the aquatics would be swimming around and they couldnt join them for a swim the aquatics were not tamable. 

Alicent stopped pacing and looked up. Whatever was up there was not down here.

"Fine." Alicent agreed hugging to Aemond. "At least I know here we are safe... er." She offered as he smiled down at her.

''How did that mamba snake get in here?'' Aemond questioned. "I thought this was sealed."

''The vents.'' Both owen and Alan declared.


"Something I... created." Lena remarked.

"You did that yourself?" Daemon asked his fingers tracing over the black inked wings on her arms.

"its Pterodactyl wings, they are bat like, webbed membranes that I was telling you about, I always wanted to fly but our flying dinosaurs are quite small. Then after I did this I met Quazie in a storm and we are usually buddies but I can't just be like hey Quazie lets got a fly most days." Lena mused.

"I could take you flying, you could come to dragonstone. Caraxes is my dragon, he is a beauty." Daemon informed her. "Happy to have a rider, show you the skies."

Lena chuckled as his fingers traced over her arm.

"That's beautiful." Daemon said as he expanded his fingers over her arm, tracing down the ink. "You're beautiful."

"I tinker." Lena remarked.

"That's fucking awesome. Could you do me?"

"Do you, that sounds fun." Lena mused traced a finger along his jaw.

"Ink." Daemon clarified. "But defiantly that again, I only got a taste last time and I want more." he agreed kissing her again and again.

"Sure... its forever, at least this has been." Lena remarked lifting her arm slightly. "Think long and hard what you want on your body forever."

Lena liked Aemond. That was a problem in itself. He was sweet and liked to learn and she could fall for him and he would leave and it would hurt, she would hurt when he left because finding someone that was interested in what she did was slim picking with the visitors on Jurassic Island. But Aemond was very hard to stay away from and Lena liked him already. After Aegon getting eaten she was sure they would bunker down in the compound once they got back and wait out the storm until it was clear to leave and she wouldnt see Aemond or Daemon again.

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