12. Flyers

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The tree house was beautiful and tragic. Boards were broken and holes in the wood. But Lena still thought it was beautiful.

Lena took out the baby dragon and rummaged through the drawers and pulled out some sealed and dried fruits and meats. She opened it and the scent filled Daemons nose and the baby dino opened his eyes and leaned into Lena little mouth chopping at the air.

"What am I going to name you?" Lena whispered giving him little bites.  His neck was long already and he was having a hard time lifting his little head.

"This place..." daemon remarked.

"You're not worried about your nephew having just gotten eaten?" Lena mused

''Never much liked him.'' Daemon remarked nonchalantly. Lena chuckled offering him a piece of food.

''Thanks.'' He brought it to his lips as he peered out the water pouring down around them creating a blanket of rain around them. Daemon shrugged off his jacket draping it around her. ''You look a bit cold.'' Daemon remarked.

''Thanks'' she echoed.

''Whats wrong?''

''I'm worried about flooding.'' Lena remarked. ''When it rains like this... just be glad we are up this high.'' Daemon nodded slowly thinking around Nessy and Lizzie and his close encounters.

''Just have to worry about the flyers.'' Daemon recalled.

''I will keep you safe.'' Lena offered as he moved closer to her. She leaned into him and her hand went to his leg. "We have a big flyer but he doesnt come out much. Big as a small dragon I think."

"Oh where is he?" 

"Doesnt like the heat. Likes flying in the rain." Lena whispered. ''You want to pick a name?" She held up the little baby dino.


''Anything... but I have veto power of course.'' Lena informed him

''Of course,'' daemon chuckled.


The symptoms were hitting Rhaenyra fast. She couldnt talk and then felt the paralysis hit her.

Jace and luke were in a panic waving their arms around and shouting and crying.

''Do something!'' Viserys demanded staring down at Rhaenyra's lifeless body.

''Alan?" Owen offered.

''Lena, she, we... I need Lena. I cant do it without her.'' Alan stammered out. ''She had the exact measurements she is meticulous.'' Alan remarked. ''I Can't without Lena, I'm sorry, I'm sorry but I can't-"

''Try!" Viserys begged.


Ellie paced as Helaena debated what to do. Her family was out there. Her family never really cared for her but still. She worried.

"I know what you are thinking." Ellie remarked and Helaena stared back at her.

"What?" Helaena countered.

"That maybe you could save them. You can't. You are safer here and if you go out there... don't go." Ellie instructed.

"I'm not brave enough to go out there." Helaena corrected. "I'm just thinking... what happens if they don't come back?"

"They will." Ellie countered. "The Gradys know what they are doing. Lena is a mastermind, as long as they are together you have nothing to worry about."

"And if they are not together?" Helana offered.

"I don't know why they would split up." Ellie retorted.


''Maegor.'' Daemon declared.

''Maegor.'' Lena repeated debating it. 'Maegor the cruel.'' Lena recalled. ''Are you going to be cruel little love?" Lena coed.

''You are right. He is going to be a big softie. Aegon.'' Daemon teased.

''Next T- rex.'' Lena countered. Daemon chuckled leaning into her. ''I have a rule. That whenever someone dies on the island the next dinosaur born of that species will be named in his or her honor.''

''Thats...'' Daemon didnt know if it was sweet or terrifying. ''How many dinosaurs are names after your victims?" Daemon countered and Lena shrugged.

''To many to count.'' She offered tilting her face to his but a whoosh behind them had her spinning around. Daemons jacket fell from her shoulders as she peered out.

''Whats-" Daemon began but Lena put her hand over his mouth.

''Flyers.'' Lena whispered crouching down. "Our Pterodactyl species were the first of our dinosaurs to fly. They were also the largest species that ever flew." Lena whispered leaning into Daemon's side.

"Dragons." He rasped against her.

"Besides dragons. They are larger than birds but smaller than everything else it seems." Lena remarked. "Look, carefully.' Lena instructed peering out. "You see their wings?" Daemon nodded as his gaze shifted along the sky. "They have bat-like wings with stretched membranes between the fingers. They can also be identified by that crest on their head."

"You know a lot." Daemon remarked. He looked around the tree house and saw the carvings in the wall, the measurements. "You are like maester level smart arent you?" Lena chuckled pulling the baby dino closer.

"Archaeopteryx is a combination of two Baavosi words," Lena went on. "A faceless man was here from the temple of black and white when our flyers came out. He helped name them." Lena informed Daemon. "archaic, meaning ancient and pteryx, meaning wing or feather. Therefore the ancient wings." Lena offered.

''And this?" Daemon questioned bringing a hand to her arm. "What's this?" Daemon whispered kissing along her arm.

"I suppose your eyes were on other body parts." Lena mused. His fingers traced over her skin. "You like my ink?"

"I've never seen anything  like it." Daemon remarked.

"Something I... created." Lena remarked.

Untouchable // Daemon Targaryen// Aemond TargaryenWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu