The Blight

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TW - mentions of SA in this chapter

Any POV - 

Amaryllis rubbed her eyes as she tapped on Feyre's door, opening it and going to step into the room. Something caught her ankles and Amaryllis was unable to stop herself from tumbling to the floor with a startled squawk. A heavy thump echoed through the room as her head connected with the floor beds. Feyre peeked out of her covers, mortified as the female sat up, rubbing her head and wincing.

Feyre POV - 

"I-I'm sorry, oh I'm so sorry." I squeaked, trying to disentangle myself from my sheets. Amaryllis slowly climbed to her feet, trying to straighten her clothing. "What in the bottomless depths of the cauldron? Fuck my head hurts!" She groaned. I finally managed to free myself from the bed and rushed over, grabbing her arm to lead her towards the comfortable chair by the door. "It's just, I didn't know what an-nd, I just, I'm so sorry." I stammered, trying to apologize. Amaryllis was the only being in this house that didn't look at me like dirt on their shoe and I'd just set a trap on her... well it was nice while it lasted. 

"I just didn't think anyone would be in here so early, and I-I meant to take it down, and -" Amaryllis laughed slightly at my explanation, looking over at the ropes and back at me. "Darling, if you think a bit of rope would deter a fae if they were truly determined to kill you, then perhaps I need to teach you a thing or two. Feeble snares like this would not stop me from breaking your bones if I so desired, Feyre." She smiled gently, not trying to lecture or deter me, but to teach, to instruct. 

I drew breath to defend my trap, even if it was a little primitive, it would still help me. "Running won't help either, I'm afraid, Fae are quite fast." Amaryllis cut me off. Not knowing what to say, I shut my mouth with a clop. Something seemed to catch the female's eye and she stood up, a small frown on her face.  "Oh no," She sighed, walking to the other side of the room and fingering the tattered curtains. I felt my face heat up, I had used them to make the ropes for my snare. The fae tutted, "I really liked these.... Oh well." She chirped before yanking them open, showing the sky still streaked with the soft pastels of dawn. For a moment we both stood still, admiring the beauty of the sky and its color's. Soft orange hues on the horizon, bordered by baby pink and surrounded by a gradually darkening violet hue... Amazing. 

A knock on the door made us both jump.

Amaryllis POV - 

Alis's head poked around the door frame, and I could barely control my scowl... bird faced bitch. The breakfast tray in her hands however was very welcome. The servant placed it on the table, bid us both a curt good morning and vanished in a rustle of skirts. The sound of running water in the bathroom was audible as Feyre's bath was prepared.

Turning my attention back to the luscious tray of food, I began to dish out breakfast for us. A good portion of porridge adorned with fresh berries and drizzled with honey. A slice of toast alongside eggs and crispy bacon. And a cup of tea on the side, aroma tantalizing with notes of rose and peach. Feyre's eyes widened at the spread I set for us. "You should be alright to eat this, seeing as you kept dinner down last night, just stop if you feel full, ok?" I smiled; Feyre's uncertainty was almost endearing. 

We talked while we ate, discovering our mutual interests in art, music and nature. I also was able to discover more of Feyre's home life. Something that stuck out to me was, while Nesta was a bitch, she did help out sometimes. Her sister Elain on the other hand, sat around and simpered silly words about regaining their money and growing pretty flowers, making Feyre buy her the seeds for them. Why flowers? Surely if your family was starving, you would grow vegetables or grains?

As the last of the tea in our cups was drained, I spoke again. "Thank you for this, I haven't had this much fun in, in a while." I said, tucking my hair behind my ear. Feyre swallowed the last of her tea. "What do you mean?" She asked. 

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