New Friends

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Cracking open her eyes, Amaryllis let out a groan as the light stabbed into her eyes, bringing her attention to the burning pain in her face.  Bringing her hand up to her face she could feel the soft cloth wrapped over her eye, obscuring her vision on that side. Why?.. what happened? Struggling to remember, Amaryllis pulled back the covers on the bed, revealing her soiled dress. Holding onto the headboard for balance, she tried to stand. But before she could fully get to her feet, the memories came screaming back.

Tamlin, sharp claws glinting in the candlelight, pain... so much pain, blood, winnowing, darkness.

Amaryllis fell to the floor, hand held over her mouth as shocked tears began to slide down her cheeks. The lamp on the side table clattered to the floor as she knocked against it harshly, sending pain shooting through her back and head. Amaryllis jumped when the door swung open, and an unknown fae walked in. Tall and extremely handsome with defined features and hazel eyes that seemed to draw in the light. He was dressed in some kind of leather armor and she was intrigued by the glowing blue stones that adorned it. But what drew Amaryllis's attention the most, was the huge, membranous wings that clung to his back. Large and strong looking, each adorned with a claw at the top. 

In response to her fear, Amaryllis felt her own wings shoot out of her back, the black feathers fluffing up to make them look larger. The males eyes widened in surprise at the sight of them before he held out a hand carefully towards her. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." He murmured, his voice was soft yet strong, full of concern. Her gaze focused on the hand he was reaching for her with, large with strong fingers but wreathed with what looked like burn scars. Seeing what her eye was focused on, the male pulled his hand back. 

Who was he?

Azriel POV -  

He was not expecting to see wings come out of the females back, but Azriel had seen stranger things in his 400 years of life. 

Crouching down so that he was on her level, Azriel smiled slightly, looking into her frightened brown eye. "You're safe. I know you feel a little strange right now but the floor probably isn't the best place to be ok?" He spoke gently, trying to be as non-threatening as possible. He extended his hand to her again. She looked between his hand and his face before grabbing on and pulling herself up. She sat down on the bed, so Azriel decided to sit on the windowsill, giving the female some breathing room. 


"What's your name?" Azriel asked, "I can't keep calling you the female in my head." He said, smiling again. Amaryllis pursed her lips, unsure. "Amaryllis." She murmured, playing with her fingers. The male nodded, "I'm Azriel, the Spymaster of the Night Court."

Amaryllis felt her face pale , the Night Court... this was bad. Azriel seemed to sense her unease. "If your feeling up to it, dinner is being served soon." He shrugged, before getting up and heading towards the door. Once the door was closed, Amaryllis began to hyperventilate. She was in the Night Court, alone and wounded, with no idea how to get out. Calming herself down, Amaryllis felt a sudden burst of anger as she felt the bandage on her face. 

She was not a coward...

She was Amaryllis Lavendel and she would not be afraid.

Steeling herself and dispelling her wings, Amaryllis stood from the bed and went to the wardrobe. If she was going to be meeting the Night Court, than she was going to look damn good doing it. Seeing a nice shade of pink, she grabbed the hanger. A pair of silky pants that gathered at the ankle, paired with a flowy white shirt that showed her flat stomach. Glancing down at the bottom of the wardrobe, Amaryllis could see several pairs of soft looking slipper. Grabbing a pair that matched her shirt, she looked in the mirror, feeling like there was something missing.

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