But Weve Survive

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I walked into my first college class, music and preforming arts.

Of course I'm famous for going missing. I'm 21 now, by the way.

"Oh my god, you're the kid that went missing from New York!" Said a girl in my class who was like 18.

"And?" I asked.

"Oh my god!" A guy my age said. "What was it like? It must be so scary. Not knowing where you were. Or where your family was."

"Not really." I said. "I knew where I was. I knew where my parents were."

They ask a million questions as the teacher walks in.

"What's so big it cuts into class time?" He asked us. Professor Donagin.

"He's the kid that went missing when he was 17 for almost a year!" One person said, I don't know who.

"I don't see the big deal." I was honest.

"Neither do I." The Professor said. "Let's get started."

He gave a quiz to just see what we know and my dyslexia was a little bitch.

Lunch time on campus.

One guy yelled out who I was and every school I dont care or what kind has a bully.

I was diagnosed with depression when I was 18, too. I'm supposed to take two pills before every meal. And I take them and that sparked something in the cafeteria.

"Percy's doing drugs!" Somebody yelled. I don't even care who.

"I'm not..." I stop myself. "Then read the container."

She did.

" Tricyclic." She read off. "So? Its a drug."

"No its not..." A guy about 27 said thirty feet away. "Its a prescription. Don't remember what for. But my sister took it for a while. Before she had killed herself."

Give you a hint.

"Shut up, Daniel." A boy the same age said.

"Don't want to."

I did a little research and it didn't take me long to find out that prescription was an antidepressant.

And I did research on Percy. I'm a curious person.

There was a video. Piper McLean. Whatever. I watched it.

There were 5 others with her. One was the Chase child, Annabeth.

"I thought there were Seven to the " Seven of the Prophecy?" A reporter stated.

"There are." Piper told them. "The other one left about 3 years ago. Just never showed up."

"And what was their name?" The reporter asked.

"Percy." Annabeth told them. "Percy Jackson. Last I heard he was graduating. And that was 3 years ago."

"And how did he play a role in the Seven?"

"Well he was pretty damn important." A guy named Leo commented.

"Percy was..." Annabeth started out. "The loyal one. The brave one out of all of us. He led us into war and went through hell and almost never complained. He fought two wars and won both but at the same time he lost a lot. I just hope he's happy, in college or having a family or whatever be wanted to do with his life. I just know he didnt want his dad to be a part of it."

The Pain I Cause Myself (Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now