No Body, No Crime

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Estelle reaches the bathroom. They were definitely cleaner and better looking than the hospital itself. She was greeted with six lavish stalls on her right and a huge countertop with three sink stations on her left.

"Dani, you in here?" She whispered.

She hears the door unlocking. Dani steps out with mascara running down her face. She looked dreadful, her hair was messy and her face looked blotched.

"OMG Dani, what happened?" Estelle examined.

"Estelle, I can't do it anymore. I can't take it anymore. I don't know what to do" Dani sobbed.

Estelle walked closer to Dani. She moves her hair out of her face and hugs her. Dani breathes in and tries to relax.

"Now explain to me what happened. I asked Benji to stay with you so mom couldn't say anything rude or offensive to you. Did he- did Benji say something to you?"

Estelle waited for Dani to reply.

Dani was looking at the floor trying to find words. She finally opened up.

"I think he knows Estee. I think he knows" Dani wailed.

"Dani, what are you talking about? What does he know?" expressions left Estee's face.

"He said 'is there something more I should know about?'" She made air bunnies with her fingers when she said more.

"That doesn't mean anything Dani. He could have just been asking if there is anything you know that can help with finding Justin's whereabouts" Estee tried calming her down.

"NO Estee. His partner, Benjamin sent him back the moment he entered the hospital. He was talking to him and when I came around he ended the call."

"Dani...Dani look at me" Estee held Dani's face in her palms "it's going to be ok. I will not let anything happen to you, ok. Let's go back to mom and I will check in with Benji" She assured Dani.

They both fix themselves; Dani washed away the mascara from her cheeks and waited for Estee near the door.

Estee went to the bathroom and walked towards the sink to wash her hands. Dani stepped out before Estee.

When Estee stepped out she could sense the atmosphere was different, it was more serious. Dani stood right in front of her. She moved past her to see a man standing in front of her, it was Frank.

"What is going on?" She demanded.

Dani moves to stand behind her, using her as a shield.

"Hello, Esteelle. Nice to meet you again. Not really. I am here to take her with me to the precinct. We need her for some-"

"No." Estee shouted.


"I said No. You are not taking her anywhere. And my name is Estelle." She hissed back.

"Well I wasn't really asking for your permission, 'Estelle.'"

"Where is Benji? let me talk to him first" Estelle starts to move when Benjamin appears from somewhere behind Frank.

"I am sorry Estee, I believe there is nothing I can do right now. Dani needs to come in." Benjamin quotes with a sad face.

"Benjamin, YOU CAN'T-'' Estee screamed, a little too loud. She grabs Benji's arm and pulls him aside.

"You can't do this. Look at her." She gestures towards Dani.

Frank had her arm in his hand. He was trying to pull her away.

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