At Sixes And Sevens

67 30 47

TW// anxiety/ panic attacks

The streets of Deepmere are almost always cold and dark. It's usually quiet, people don't poke their noses around in your business unless you ask for help, and even then they will only help if they like you. It is one of the reasons Mr and Mrs Belcher decided to move here when Justin and Estee were in middle school.

It was shocking that Justin, who hated moving here, was able to charm everyone around the school including the teachers. He was what they would call "wunderkind" or "gifted". Mr and Mrs B never got tired of hearing this at every parents-teacher conference.

Estee, on the hand, was left to be known as "Justin's sister". No matter what she would do would always be compared to how Justin did it. She hated every moment of it. All those memories haunted her enough to leave for another city for college as soon as she could.

She reminisced while biting off what was remaining of her already bitten-to-bed nails. It wasn't until Benjamin announced their arrival at the location that she stopped.

She could see two other police cars and at least half a dozen cops with two big dogs barking loud enough to wake the dead. Benjamin hadn't even left the car completely when his colleague started briefing on the scenario "the last known location, this is where his phone last pinged!" Benjamin came around and held the car door for Estee to come out before getting back to him.

Estee came out of the car scared. She put the two strands of her hair behind each ear before looking at Benji, "this looks scary!"

In her defence, the place was, in fact, quite terrifying. There was a vacant piece of land with wet malodorous soil and a handful of trees with thick trunks which looked like they had just crawled out of someone's nightmare.

"Don't worry! I am here with you." Benji comforted her.

As they both began to walk towards where the rest of the crowd was, Estee tripped over a small rock and was about to fall face-first when Benji grabbed her elbows before she could hit the ground.

It was enough to tip the dogs' attention towards her. They only barked louder once they saw her. Fear took over Estee's face as the cops tried calming two huge Belgian Milionis with saliva dripping off their mouths. The dark foggy night only added to the horror. Estee held Benjamin's sleeve as soon as the dogs turned towards her, his lips spread in a sly smile. He signalled the cops to calm the dogs down.

Back home, Dani gently grabbed Mr B's arms and asked Mrs B to lock up the main door and join them in the taxi Dani had called. Fortunately, the hospital was not that far away.

She ran towards the receptionist as soon as she reached the hospital, "my father, he needs a doctor. I think he had a heart attack".

The receptionist paged the cardiologist and gestured for the male nurse standing nearby to bring the wheelchair so they can move Mr B in a room until the doctor arrives.

Frank, the one who called Benjamin at the house, sarcastically welcomed Benjamin.

"Look who finally showed up and brought a guest" he scanned Estee in a suspicious manner.

"Calm down, Frank! I came as soon as I could. This is Estee..le Belcher, sister of the missing person. I thought she could be of any help."

Frank scanned Estee another time "I highly doubt that!"

"Frank, be nice to her!"

Frank scanned Estee one more time before welcoming her, in his own way, "Hello! Estee...le Belcher. I really hope you are of any help."

The dogs were still barking even when they had been restrained near where the cars were parked. "hmm the dogs don't seem to like you. I guess that makes the two of us."

The Darkest Little Paradise Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ