The Dead Are Missed By The Living

Start from the beginning

"What was his?" Kara asked.

"Fire," J'onn said, and that word was enough. Fire was one of his only weaknesses, his entire Martian family burned, that memory forever haunts him whenever he's near flames,"I pushed myself too far into it. I could only see glimpses."

"Anything of use?" Brainy asked.

"Possibly," J'onn said, standing up straight,"La Bete du Gevaudan. That memory felt burned the most."

"The Beast of Gevaudan?" Nia asked,"You guys have never heard of it?"

Everyone looked at her, awaiting for her to continue.

"I finally know something that you guys don't know? Wow, this feels a little funny. I kind of like it."

"Nia," Kara said, making her stop.

"Alright, okay. Two hundred years ago in a little town in France there was a monster that kept killing the people for sport. Lots of different descriptions of it. A horse with claws, a dark green wolf with a serpent's tongue. But the more common thing was people thought it was a werewolf."

"Werewolves?" Kara said, remembering the way the kid Stiles defended had claws and fangs.

"Strange," Brainy said,"More magical beings. Perhaps we should speak to Lena about this? As a being of magic herself she may be able to help."

"Werewolves? C'mon guys," Alex said,"Don't you think we would have heard of them right now? Humans that turn into wolves on the full moon. That sounds like someone would've had a hard time missing."

"What if the Beast is just Stiles's monster?" Kelly asked, the psychiatrist part of her showing,"Everyone has their own monsters to fight. Their own fears to conquer. What if the Beast you heard about wasn't real?"

"It's more than that," J'onn stated,"We need to find out more about what happened in Beacon Hills."

"It doesn't seem like Stiles is willing to talk," Alex reminded them as they looked back at the monitor of Stiles's cell,"Where did he get the scrapbook?"

. . .

The elevator doors opened, and Stiles looked up to see Brainy.

"Hello...Stiles," He said,"My name is Brainiac-5. But everyone calls me Brainy for short."

He was nervous, Stiles figured that out just from him saying hello.

"I'm sure it can be very difficult to be in a cell, but we'll try to make it as comfortable as possible in exchange for your cooperation."

Stiles rolled his eyes.

"Just a sample of your DNA, that's all I ask for now. And since you are so confident that you are not a Metahuman or extraterrestrial, I'm sure that you're curious as to what I will find as well. Just a bit of blood, that's all I ask for the genetic portion."

Stiles sighed, looking at Brainy doubtfully.

"I know what you're thinking. How can I get a sample because of the density of your skin and muscle. Don't worry, I have this," Brainy lifted something that looked like a cross between a staple gun and a syringe,"It hurts like a pinch. This should be able to get me what I need from me."

Stiles shrugged, not caring that much. And he was curious to see what Brainy might be able to find.

The doors to Stiles's cell opened, and he extended his arm.

Stiles winced when he felt like a dozen needles drill into his skin, and the vial filled with blood.

"Now..." Brainy said,"With your permission I would like to test your abilities? Nothing too serious. Just your top speed, and strength."

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