|About the Story|

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“To light up the world with hope, the Sun has to burn. That's it's only fate.”

Aditya Rathod

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Aditya Rathod.(27)

Born with the rising Sun and a twinkle in his ocean blue eyes, Aditya Rathod is the master of his Universe, the AR. His name is often analogised as 'The Devil' in the business world, the reason better known to the people who had dared to fall on his worst side.

The undisputed owner of 'AR Groups', an Empire spread across the nation and world, Aditya is a  callous man who had veiled his heart under the pretense of ruthlessness but the compassion and love he held for his family, managed to baffle the people out of their wits. His life was as much as a mystery as his thoughts.


“To fight the darkness, the Moon has to shine. The Sun rising each day, gives it hope to hold on and never let it go.”

Adira Maheshwari

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Adira Maheshwari.(23)

Piercing through the fog and the clouds, the Moon casts it's magnificent impression on the sea, declaring it's victory over the darkness and making the world know of it's magic. The magic charmed and calmed Adira effortlessly, giving her hope of a better tomorrow.

An innocent beauty with gorgeous hazel brown orbs and a breath-taking smile that could easily melt an ice.

But would she be able to melt the ice around the devil's heart or will the coldness consume her within him?

To be born as an angel in a world full of devils, is nothing less than a curse. Will the curse destroy her life or turn into a blessing?


After losing her father in a traumatic experience, her mother and brother were Adira's lifelines. She smiled through them, she lived for them.

However, fate had more tests to take from that kind soul.

Death was again standing at her door, creeping and sucking life out of her brother.

Given a choice between choosing her brother's life and her dignity, Adira let go of her most valuable asset and became ~ Mrs. Adira Rathod, unaware that someone was picking thorns out of her way....to make her 'Adira', once again.

A devil morphing into an angel for an angel....or an angel rising as a devil for her angel? Only time will tell...

To know more, hop on to the saga of pain, betrayal, revenge and unconditional love.



1. This is an Indian fiction of the genre- Mystery with Contemporary Romance.

2. The story spans across three volumes. None of them would be a stand alone novel.

3. It would be written in complete English. However, it is not my first language, be kind.

4. The characters are grey and flawed. There would be instances you would hate them or hopelessly love them. Remember, we are sailing in the same boat.

5. The first book of the story will have mentions of smoking. I do not support the act. There will be use of few curse words in the story. If you are uncomfortable with any of the topic, refrain from reading the book. No moral policing here, you have been warned.

6. The story, cover and the characters belong to me. Publication of the story without the written consent of the author is against the law. Strict actions will be taken.

7. The images used in the cover and mood boards belongs to their respective owners.


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