One always has their back's

Start from the beginning

"So that's what happens if you enter it?" Hop asked

"There's another I want to mention, it could put her life in danger," he responded

Hop was surprised by the information, "What? Did Gloria already know about that?" He asked

"Yes, I had told her before yesterday but she went in anyway," Naomi replied

"She does all of this to get stronger," Hop said

"It's not about strength she's after," Naomi said that got their attention

"What you mean by that?" Victor asked

She turns to Victor, "She wants to get stronger to protect you,"

"Huh? Why?" He was confused about it

"Don't you remember back in your home?" Naomi asked

"My home..." Victor tries to remember what she means by that

"Your death. Don't think that your death didn't effect everyone mentally," Naomi said

He then remembered every close death he faced, "I see... So it's my death the reason why she's like this I suppose," Victor responded

"Yeah, and that death. That death is where she can't get you back, it's the reason why," she replied

"So let me get this straight. She wants to protect people who's precious or she loves to her," Hop said

Naomi nodded, "You must be careful when fighting a Megiddo or a Team Despair's members with her. She won't accept her mistakes even how much you tell her," she said

Victor looks down and remembers all of theirs past relationship together, "No, it was my fault for being reckless. If I was a bit careful, I wouldn't be in this situation. I knew that they will use a sealing book against one of us, yet I was an idiot for not telling this sooner," he said and took out something and give it to her, "Please give this to Gloria. It's my apology and my appreciation for her,"

Naomi received the item from him, "Wait this is..." While inspecting the item

"I've had that book with me the whole time

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"I've had that book with me the whole time. I just wanted to wait for the right moment," Victor said

"Yeah, I think I can tell her about your appreciation for her," Naomi replied

"Hop, we're going to the Avalon together, since I can't use mine and that place can break this seal," Victor said to him

"Right. I can help you with that," he replied

"How'd you know you've already solved to the lead to Avalon?" Naomi asked

"Because, it was in the books," Victor replied, he then placed the books on the table and to show the writing

"Are these the clue?" Hop asked

"Yes it is. Here what it says," Victor is going to read the verses

"When the world unravels, a bright light and two dragons will come together, revealing a path to a chasm in the world's midst."

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