Chapter 7

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13th Nov 2018
Wheein is now left all alone with her baby while V is in Japan for his concert.  The mamamoo members take turns in staying with her.  Since she doesnt get much sleep due to the baby so when her members come during daytime she sleeps while the members feed and change his diaper when needed.

Wheein's house.
Wheein who was sleepung earlier wakes up and goes to the living room and sees Hwasa on a video call with Jimin. Bleugh stop acting cute, u r not cute at all she says with a faint smile ehhhh stop lying I know that u like it when I act cute, look at u holding ur smile just let it out. He says while bringing the camera near to see her smile. Just go on with ur concert dont u have to perform u shorty. Haaaaa u take that back right now or
Or what will u do u r in Japan (she says teasingly)
Actually I can do sthg to u that u hate the most but am willing to risk it either u take it back or I do it
Huh do it let's see shorty go back u r needed
Ok fine shorty ( he says and hangs up before she finished saying I love you) lets see she will call in 5,4,3,2,1 ring ring ring aha am not picking up bye sweetheart.

Hwasa is now pissed off but wheein just looks at her in disbelief sighing while taking out water from the fridge "aigoo u r agitated just bcoz of that simple thing" " Wheein u wont understand how much I hate when he doesnt reply my I love you or doesnt let me finish this jerk" " hey no cursing infront my baby but he knows u very well" "ohhh mianhe aegi I meant to say jimin ur sweet uncle" she said caressing his cheeks while smiling and mumbled wait till you grow up and find how evil and a jerk ur uncle is. Wheein just laughs and puts her hand forward asking for the baby. Wheein takes the baby and breasfeeds her while talking to Hwasa about hwasa's debut solo that she is having next year.

Moonbyul and Solar came at 9 shouting " who is hungry we brought dinnner" Hyejin ran to the door hushing them and whispering the baby just fell asleep. "Ohhhh mianh i brought jjampong and fried rice with some sundae" "awwww unnie u know how to choose bring let me help u" says hyejin and starts plating the food. They all eat and Solar starts telling them scary stories that happened in their company building or to someone she knows. And as usual all the members enjoy her scary stories, just then Taehyung calls wheein. Wheein walks away from the table to answer the phone.
Jagi did u finish the concert well
Yup I did, how was Jihan today did he give u any trouble.
Ofc no and he was with his aunt the entire afternoon, I took a nap
Goood once I come I will be awake with u taking care of him
Why don't u just take care of him by urself and lemme sleep then.
That's a much better idea. Aigoo I feel so sad am by myself here while both of u are together.
Stop being dramatic U r almost done it's not gonna take u more than half a year, right baby (wheein says slightly pinching her son's cheeks while smiling)
Who did u take after for ur cheeks to be that chubby and cute (V smiles and gives a teasing look to wheein while saying that to the baby) I guess ur mom right.
Yahhh if u want to see ur kid tmr u better watch ur talking
Don't do that answer the phone if I do call u. I need to see Jihan everyday even if it's on video(he pouted)
Aigoo he started already baby say bye to ur father tata( she takes Johan's hand and does a little wave to V)
Bye bye aegiya don't trouble ur mom too much Appa will make sure to come soon muaaaah (he kisses the screen)
Wheein also kisses the screen and they bid goodbye at each other, whee goes back to the living room with her kid and Solar runs up to her to carry the baby. I didn't see you the entire day how have u been (carries him and screams ohhh he is still a bit squishy). Moonbyul also comes behind Solar and pets the kid's head.

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