Chapter 6

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Sarah's P.O.V.

I walk straight into all five of hem and almost fall flat on my back. I give the a questioning look before Louis speaks.

"We can explain. Liam followed you up here because one of the kids needed a band-aid. He found you and heard you talking to another girl. We had all gone looking for him because we had found the bandages. We found him just as he was walking past the door. We all got interested and started listening. We like this girl already and we haven't even seen her. Do you think she'll let us talk to he?" He says

"I don't know boys she's had a pretty ruff past. Her parents and twin brothers died in a car accident about a year and a half ago. Sh has selective memory loss and was only here for 2 months before she was adopted. We found out that he had been abusing her and the police arrested him. they brought her back here but she was never he same. She doesn't rust men or people in general. As soon as any male walks through the font do she locks herself in her room. She can barely look at men without breaking down crying or running away in fear. Lately I've been trying to get her to alto some of the visitors by she reuses. But she is such a special girl and I would hate to see her hurt again." They all look at me with sad expressions on their faces.

"So do you think you could get her to at least come and see us. She even said it was her dream to meet us in person and o hear Niall laugh." Louis says. I chuckle at his response and nod my head.

"I'll do the best I can. But don't get your hopes up." I tell them. They all smiled and nodded for me to go.

I walked into her room once again. I motioned for the boys to follow me quietly. They all sat on the spare bed in the corner of the room behind us. Jessica was sat on her bed with her headphones in her ears swaying slightly to the music. I sat down next to her and put my arm around her small shoulders. Her long brown hair was pulled into a ponytail. She looked up at me and pulled one of her headphones out of her ears.

"What are you listening to?" I ask her

"Little Things by One Direction. I am in love with that song." She said with a smile.

"My personal favorite is heart attack." I say laughing lightly

"Oh really." She says with a smirk. A while back I heard some one singing in he middle of the night. I walked upstairs and into Jessica's room. She was singing heart attack in her sleep. And let me tell you she was singing rather loudly. Ever since I've always teased her about that being my new favorite song.

"So what makes you like Little Things so much?" I ask

"It makes me fee better about myself. It makes me think that John was wrong when he called me ugly and worthless. He was heartless and evil and hurt me in so many ways. But his song saved me from killing myself more than once." She stops to wipe away a stray tear that was making its way slowly down her cheek. "I like to listen to it when I start to feel like I did when I was with John. It just makes me feel like I'm truly beautiful." She smiles slightly hen bursts into tears.

I cradle her in my arms and rock back and forth, just letting her cry.

"Shhhhh. Baby it's ok. Your alright." I coo softly. She's still shaking but at least she's calmed down. "How about we go and meet the boys. Maybe they will sing to you?" I tell her smiling

She gives me a weary look before nodding her head. All of the sudden I hear is in coming from behind us.

"And I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth." We both jump at he sound and turn to face the five boys of One Direction. I silently curse forgetting hat they were in the room.

I turn quickly to look at Jessica. She has a look of horror spread across her face. She screams and runs into the corner of the room and starts to cry.

"PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! PLEASE I'LL DO ANYTHING!! JUST DON'T HUR ME JOHN!! JOHN PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!" She screams. All of he buys look horrified. I jump to her side and pull her into my la as I sit of the floor next to her.

"Baby, baby Johns not here. He's not going to hurt you. I promise. He's not coming back. He lays just want to meet you. Hey won't hurt you either okay. I promise I'll be here the whole time." I tell her softly

"But hats what you did about John too." She cries

"Bu I didn't know John and I I don't thin here boys could hurt a fly. Even if hey wanted to. Especially the cute blonde one." I whisper the last part in her ear and she laughs ever so slightly. "So will you at least let hem talk to you?" I ask

"Yeah. Bunt you have to stay here. Okay?" She says. I nod my head and stand up.

I see all the boys still standing by the bed. We both stand u and she kind of hides behind me a little. We sit down on he bed opposite he boys and hey introduce themselves to Jessica.

"Hi I'm Liam and this is Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Louis." He states. She looks at al, the boys a little shyly and they all smile at her.

"Hi everyone I'm Jessica." She says quietly. I can feel her start to relax and get more comfortable. She sits up straighter and starts to talk to he boys. I can see in their faces that they are already falling in love with her. And I can tell she likes them too.

About twenty minutes later she laughing an smiling with them. I slip out of he room and head down stairs. I have a feeling hat those boys might have just found the newest addition to heir family.


Jessica's P.O.V.

"So Jessica tell me bout yourself." Louis says.

"We'll I really like One Direction." I pause earning a large smile rom all I've of them. "I was thirteen when I came here and was adopted once by a man named John. I was physically abused by him and was in the hospital several times. I was with him for five months before the police finally came and took him away." I felt hot tears slowly making there way down my cheeks. I close my eyes and let he quiet sobs rack through my body. I feel warm hands wrap around my body and hug me close.

I look up and see Louis holding me close to his body. I freak out for just a moment before deciding I can trust him. I cry for about ten minutes before finally calming down.

"I'm really sorry about that boys." I ay sheepishly as I climb out of Louis grip. I look at me feet and hear complete silence. I look up and see all five of them staring blankly at me. "What?" I ask them

"We don't care that your crying or that you had a bad past. But we like you for you. We all think our an amazing kid and you deserve a better future." Says Liam with a smile.

We talked for about two more hours and I finally decided to trust all he boys and open up to them. I told them about John and about he accident. I told hem about my selective memory loss and they all felt sorry for me. I genuinely appreciated there sympathy for me.

I realize that these boys, my heroes and idols, make me feel more safe than n have since my family died. My thought were interrupted when I felt someone lightly shaking my shoulder.

I turn myself s I can see the person and I'm met with emerald green eyes almost a complete replica of mine. I jump back scared for a second before I realize its Harry.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask him. He laughs and sis back down with the rest of he boys. They all look at me and smile. I I've them a quizzical look and then they ask me something that I thought I would hear ever again.

"Would you like to be a part of our family?"


Wow!!!!! They finally asked!!!!!


Keep loving and live on my DREAMERS!!!!!!

💜 Madison

I Never Dreamed (One Direction FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz