Chapter 9

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I'm rudely awakened by someone violently shaking me. I open m eyes and see Sarah standing over me looking frantic. Look at my alarm clock to see I reads 12:04 a.m. Has it really only been 45 minutes since Louis left. It feels like its been hours.

"What's wrong Sarah you look like you've seen a ghost." I ask her.

"Jessica I he t ell you something. Please don't freak out just act calmly." She Ives me a sad smile and ones on. "Jessica Louis was just in a car accident and has been taking o the hospital. Liam and the boys are on heir way right now to pick you up and take you to the hospital with the." She says as calmly as possible.

"No. No no no. Please tell me his isn't happening. Not to me! Not again!" I cry. I look at Sarah for reassurance but she just looks at me with a sad look in her eyes and on her face.

"Jessica I know this is hard. The lads are going to be here in about 15 minutes. Get dressed and pack some extra close you might need to stay at the hospital for a while." She says calmly. I nod and she exits the room.

I get up and rummage through my drawers and pull out some black skinny jeans and a red Hollister shirt. I slip them on and put an extra pair of jeans and a t-shirt into my bag. I pull on my red converse. I hurriedly run a brush through my messy brown hair and pull a black beanie over my head. I throw my phone, charger, and headphones into my bag before running downstairs.

I get down here just as their big black SUV pulls up. I run outside tears still streaming down m face. I jump in the backseat and sit next the window by Zayn. He takes my hand and gives me a ensuring squeeze. I lift my eyes to meet his an see he has tears as well.

Everything's silent before I hear someone gasp. I turn my head to look out the window. It's the seen of the accident. I see Louis car rolled on its top completely demolished. You can ell I had aught fire because he whole side of I was black were here used to be red. In the middle of he street sits a bi silver pick-up truck. The ruck obviously hit Louis amusing him to turn over and roll down the side of the road.

I'm surprised Louis is even alive. Or is he? He could be dead by now for all we know. We all look away rom the crash. I sob quietly and I can feel Zayn shaking beside me. I can tell all the boys are scared especially Harry. He's a complete mess. Niall is crying at her loudly and I an tell Liam is trying to be strong for everyone. Every now and the I see a silent tar creep down his face.

We arrive at the hospital and we all run in side at full speed. We make it to the front desk just in time for the secretary lady to return from what I guess would be her break. Ad another lady leave hat was obviously filing in.

"We're looking for Louis Tomlinson." Harry says frantically.

"He's in room 107. Just down that hall and to he right." She says sweetly. We quickly thank her and head to the room.

"104, 105, 106,.... Ah 107" I hear Lima mutter under his breath.

We're about to open the door when a doctor steps out.

"I'm sorry you can't g in there. Mr. Tomlinson is getting prepped for surgery." He states and then walks away.

The door opens and several nurses walk out wheeling a very horrible looking Louis down he hall. My guess is to surgery. My body reacts before my mind and I leach for ward screams his name. I'm caught by Zayn and forced to say.

"NO ZAYN!!! LET ME GO!!! HE CAN'T DIE, THIS CAN'T HAPPEN TO ME AGAIN!!" I yell at him. His rip tightens as I try to wiggle out. "Please........ No he can't die. Not again. Why me. Why does his always happen to me." But this time I'm now full on sobbing.

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